Friday, January 17, 2014

Problem Set on Argument

Now that you have completed your study of ARGUMENT STRUCTURE, it is time to test your
skills on a variety of different arguments. The passages below exhibit a representative sampling of
argument structures. For each argument, complete the following in a notebook:
(1) Find and write out the conclusion of the argument. The conclusion may be an entire
sentence or part of a sentence. Try to be as accurate as possible in locating the exact words
of the conclusion. Indicate how you found the conclusion:
(A) The question contains the conclusion.
(B) The question hints at the conclusion in the argument.
(C) The argument contains an obvious conclusion.
(D)An alternate method (for instance, you identified the claims and if necessary
used the “Therefore” test).
(2) If the argument does not include a conclusion, indicate this with the words no given
Note that you are not actually answering these questions! You are only identifying the conclusion of
each argument. During the actual exam, of course, you will not have time to consider which strategy
you are using or which type of argument you are facing—at that point, these ideas should be
second nature to you. Finding conclusions is a skill that must be mastered in order to succeed in
answering Critical Reasoning questions accurately.
1. The Chinese white dolphin is a territorial animal that rarely strays far from its habitat in
the Pearl River Delta. In recent years, increasing industrial and agricultural runoff to the
Delta’s waters has caused many white dolphins to perish before they reach breeding
age. Unless legislation is enacted to ensure there is no further decline in the Delta’s
water quality, the Chinese white dolphin will become extinct.
Which of the following, if true, undermines the claim that the Chinese white dolphin will
disappear without legislation to preserve water quality in the Delta?
2. A series of research studies has reported that flaxseed oil can have a beneficial effect in
reducing tumor growth in mice, particularly the kind of tumor found in human postmenopausal
breast cancer. Thus, flaxseed oil should be recommended as an addition to
the diets of all postmenopausal women.
Which of the following is an assumption upon which the argument depends?
1. Conclusion type A: the conclusion is given in the question. Third sentence: Unless legislation is
enacted to ensure there is no further decline in the Delta’s water quality, the Chinese white dolphin
will become extinct.
2. Conclusion type C: Argument contains obvious conclusion. Second sentence: Thus, flaxseed oil
should be recommended as an addition to the diets of all post-menopausal women.
3. No conclusion given.
4. Conclusion type B: the question hints at the conclusion. End of second sentence: Pure Springs
claims that the company produces the best tasting bottled water currently available.
5. Conclusion type C: Argument contains obvious conclusion. Third sentence: Thus, at least concerning
the liver, it can be concluded that drinking alcohol is no more dangerous than abstaining
from alcohol.
6. No conclusion given.
7. Conclusion type B: the question hints at the conclusion. First sentence: The cutback in physical
education is the primary contributing factor to North High School’s increasing failure rate on
the high school graduation examination.
8. Conclusion type C: Argument contains obvious conclusion. End of third sentence: For this
reason, individuals should sample a minuscule portion of each of these foods to determine
whether a particular food allergy is present.
9. Conclusion type A: the conclusion is given in the question. First sentence: To increase the
productivity of the country’s workforce, the government should introduce new food guidelines
that recommend a vegetarian diet.
10. Conclusion type Alternate: the primary method does not apply, so we have to use the
“Therefore” test. Second sentence: This wall, however, will do little to actually reduce the number
of illegal immigrants.
Claim #1: This wall, however, will do little to actually reduce the number of illegal immigrants.
Claim #2: individuals will simply develop other creative ways to enter our nation
Try #1 leading to #2: the wall will not do much to reduce the number of illegal immigrants; therefore,
people will find other ways to enter the country.
Also try #2 leading to #1: people will find other ways to enter the country; therefore, the wall will
not do much to reduce the number of illegal immigrants.
The second version is correct. In this case, #2 leads to #1.

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