Monday, December 23, 2013

Assumption Question Problem Set

1. Columnist: A democratic society cannot exist unless its citizens have established strong bonds of mutual trust. Such bonds are formed and strengthened only by participation in civic
organizations, political parties, and other groups outside the family. It is obvious then that widespread reliance on movies and electronic media for entertainment has an inherently corrosive effect on democracy.
Which one of the following is an assumption on
which the columnist’s argument depends?
(A) Anyone who relies on movies and electronic
media for entertainment is unable to form a
strong bond of mutual trust with a citizen.
(B) Civic organizations cannot usefully advance
their goals by using electronic media.
(C) Newspapers and other forms of print media
strengthen, rather than weaken, democratic
(D) Relying on movies and electronic media for
entertainment generally makes people less
likely to participate in groups outside their
(E) People who rely on movies and electronic
media for entertainment are generally closer
to their families than are those who do not.
2. Barnes: The two newest employees at this company have salaries that are too high for the simple tasks normally assigned to new employees and duties that are too complex for inexperienced workers. Hence, the salaries and the complexity of the duties of these two newest employees should be reduced.
Which one of the following is an assumption on
which Barnes’s argument depends?
(A) The duties of the two newest employees are not
less complex than any others in the company.
(B) It is because of the complex duties assigned
that the two newest employees are being paid
more than is usually paid to newly hired
(C) The two newest employees are not experienced
at their occupations.
(D) Barnes was not hired at a higher-than-average
starting salary.
(E) The salaries of the two newest employees are no
higher than the salaries that other companies
pay for workers with a similar level of
3. The current pattern of human consumption of resources, in which we rely on nonrenewable resources, for example metal ore, must eventually change. Since there is only so much metal ore available, ultimately we must either do without or turn to renewable resources to take its place.
Which one of the following is an assumption
required by the argument?
(A) There are renewable resource replacements for
all of the nonrenewable resources currently
being consumed.
(B) We cannot indefinitely replace exhausted
nonrenewable resources with other
nonrenewable resources.
(C) A renewable resource cannot be exhausted by
human consumption.
(D) Consumption of nonrenewable resources will
not continue to increase in the near future.
(E) Ultimately we cannot do without nonrenewable

4. In humans, ingested protein is broken down into amino acids, all of which must compete to enter the brain. Subsequent ingestion of sugars leads to the production of insulin, a hormone that breaks down the sugars and also rids the bloodstream of residual amino acids, except for tryptophan. Tryptophan then slips into the brain uncontested and is transformed
into the chemical serotonin, increasing the brain’s serotonin level. Thus, sugars can play a major role in mood elevation, helping one to feel relaxed and anxiety-free.
Which one of the following is an assumption on
which the argument depends?
(A) Elevation of mood and freedom from anxiety
require increasing the level of serotonin in
the brain.
(B) Failure to consume foods rich in sugars results
in anxiety and a lowering of mood.
(C) Serotonin can be produced naturally only if
tryptophan is present in the bloodstream.
(D) Increasing the level of serotonin in the brain
promotes relaxation and freedom from
(E) The consumption of protein-rich foods results
in anxiety and a lowering of mood.
5. Publicity campaigns for endangered species are unlikely to have much impact on the most important environmental problems, for while the ease of attributing feelings to large mammals facilitates evoking sympathy for them, it is more difficult to elicit sympathy for other kinds of organisms, such as the soil microorganisms on which large ecosystems and agriculture depend.
Which one of the following is an assumption on
which the argument depends?
(A) The most important environmental problems
involve endangered species other than large
(B) Microorganisms cannot experience pain or
have other feelings.
(C) Publicity campaigns for the environment are
the most effective when they elicit sympathy
for some organism.
(D) People ignore environmental problems unless
they believe the problems will affect
creatures with which they sympathize.
(E) An organism can be environmentally
significant only if it affects large ecosystems
or agriculture.
6. Historian: Leibniz, the seventeenth-century philosopher, published his version of calculus
before Newton did. But then Newton revealed his private notebooks, which showed he had
been using these ideas for at least a decade before Leibniz’s publication. Newton also
claimed that he had disclosed these ideas to Leibniz in a letter shortly before Leibniz’s
publication. Yet close examination of the letter shows that Newton’s few cryptic remarks did
not reveal anything important about calculus. Thus, Leibniz and Newton each independently
discovered calculus.
Which one of the following is an assumption
required by the historian’s argument?
(A) Leibniz did not tell anyone about calculus
prior to publishing his version of it.
(B) No third person independently discovered
calculus prior to Newton and Leibniz.
(C) Newton believed that Leibniz was able to learn
something important about calculus from his
letter to him.
(D) Neither Newton nor Leibniz knew that the other
had developed a version of calculus prior to
Leibniz’s publication.
(E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucial
details about calculus from some third

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