Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Point at Issue Question Review

Point at Issue stimuli are comprised of two speakers who disagree about an
issue that is generally ethical or decision-oriented in nature, not factual. The
question stem directs you to choose the answer that describes the point of
disagreement between the two speakers, or to identify the statement that the two
speakers would disagree is true.
Point at Issue questions are a variant of Must Be True questions and are part of
the First Family Question type.
Because Point at Issue questions require you to select a specific type of
statement, several unique forms of incorrect answer choices tend to appear in
these problems.
1. Ethical versus Factual Situations
2. Dual Agreement or Dual Disagreement
3. The View of One Speaker is Unknown
Because of the specific nature of the correct answer choice, you can doublecheck
answers by using the Agree/Disagree TestTM:
The correct answer must produce responses where one speaker would
say “I agree, the statement is correct” and the other speaker would say,
“I disagree, the statement is incorrect.” If those two responses are not
produced, then the answer is incorrect.
The Agree/Disagree Test crystallizes the essence of Point at Issue questions by
forcing you to concretely identify the elements that determine the correct

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