Wednesday, December 11, 2013

100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1 Bulls Blood wine comes from which country Hungary
2 The North and South Islands of New Zealand separated by what Cook Strait
3 In what Dickens novel is there a case of spontaneous combustion Bleak House
4 In the game Tomb Raider what's Lara Crofts profession Archaeologist
5 In 1979 who sang about Walking on the Moon Police
6 What links tulip balloon and flute Types of glasses
7 What is the currency of Egypt The Pound
8 Martina Navratilova won most doubles with which partner Pam Shriver
9 Names Cook Baker obvious what did a Chandler do Make Candles
10 Rod Taylor starred in a 1960 version of which HG Wells story The Time Machine
11 Liam Devlin often appears in novels by which author Jack Higgins
12 Name the Duke of Wellingtons horse at Waterloo Copenhagen
13 There are 72 scenes on what famous article Bayeaux Tapestry
14 Chinese bean sprouts are usually the sprouts of which bean Mung bean
15 Locomotive 4472 is better known by what name Flying Scotsman
16 At Prince Charles's wedding who was the best man Nobody – brothers
were supporters
17 Which famous ship had a total crew numbering 430 Star ship Enterprise –
Captain Kirks
18 What takes place in Happy Valley Hong Kong Horse racing
19 Imperial Airways in 1925 was the first to do what Show an in flight
20 And what was that movie Conan Doyle's – The
Lost World
21 Where is the grave of Oscar Schindler Jerusalem
22 Which magazine uses the winged horse Pegasus as it's logo Readers Digest
23 Which English King was crowned on Christmas day William the
Conqueror in 1066
24 In traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the eighth Bronze
25 Collective nouns - a sneak of what animals Weasels
26 Which country grows the most sugar Brazil
27 Who would use a technique called pleaching Gardener twine
branches to hedge
28 Glycyrrhiza Glabra is better known as what Liquorice
29 A kamikaze shooter contains Vodka Triple sec and what Lime juice
30 If you saw a hummock off your port bow what are you looking at Ice broken from berg
31 Name Alfred Hitchcock's first sound film as director Blackmail
32 Chernoble is in which Russian province Ukraine
33 Who does Adrian Mole lust after Pandora
34 Where did the philosopher Plato teach Academia
35 The Moluccas are better known as where Spice Islands
36 What used to be called (in Europe) Arabian wine Coffee
37 Who was killed in The Little Bastard James Dean - his cars
38 What character did Disney add to Winnie the Pooh not in books Gopher
39 Heinrich the lion founded what city Munich
40 J H Robertson invented what Automatic Gearbox
41 Name bar John Wilkes Booth got pissed in before killing Lincoln Star Saloon
42 In Prokoviev's Peter and the Wolf what instrument is the wolf Horn
43 Garlic and Chives belong to which plant family Lilly
44 There are two general types of skiing Alpine and what Nordic
45 Adolf Dasler created which company Adidas
46 Cents in a Dollar Pennies in a Pound what in a French Franc Centimes
47 What is extracted from the ore cinnabar Mercury
48 Hugh Lofting created which fictional character Dr Dolittle
49 In what city is the Uffizi art gallery Florence
50 Orient Express restarted in 1982 going from London to where Venice

51 Collective nouns - a romp of what animals Otters
52 Which King was the intended target of the Gunpowder plot James 1st
53 BB King gave his guitar what nickname Lucile
54 The town of Banana in Queensland is named after what A huge bullock
55 In traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the seventh Wool
56 In what country was the espresso machine invented in 1822 France
57 Who wrote Candide Voltaire
58 What type of wine was Napoleons favourite Burgundy Chambertin
59 The average person has 1460 what each year Dreams
60 Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1972 Nobody
61 Name Santa Clauses (St Nicholas) French brother Bells Nichols
62 Name the largest Mediterranean island Sicily
63 Bambi was the first Disney film without what Human characters
64 Highway 9 is the official name of what thoroughfare Broadway New York
65 Film character played by 4 people head body voice breathing Darth Vader
66 Mizaru Mikazaru and Mazaru are better known as who Three Monkeys
67 A weavers knot is known by seamen as a common what Sheet Bend
68 By law every Swiss citizen must have access to what Personal bomb shelter
69 Who played the alien in Predator jumping and climbing scenes Jean-Claude Van
70 Clark Gable used to do it 4 or more times each day - do what Shower
71 Who in US was given Hitler's Supreme Order of German Eagle Henry Ford
72 It's illegal in the USA for any citizens to have contact with who Extraterrestrials or
their vehicles
73 In Madagascar its illegal for pregnant women to do what Wear Hats or Eat eels
74 After English what's the most widely used language on the net German
75 Two thirds of the worlds geysers are found where Yellowstone Park
76 What town and stream in West Australia same name pop group Abba River
77 Which European airport has the international code LIS Lisbon
78 AMSTRAD companies name comes from what i.e. what mean Alan Michael Sugar
79 Where were the worlds first paved streets Rome 170 bc
80 What kills 100000 Americans each year Reactions to meds
81 The word Angel derives from the Greek meaning what Messenger
82 What profession has four times the average aids in USA Catholic Priests
83 Venus is the only planet that does what Rotates Clockwise
84 On average what weight nine pounds Cremated Ashes
85 Name the first film to have its sequel released in the same year King Kong - Son of
86 There is approximately one what for each person in the world Chicken
87 What is Europe's largest port Rotterdam
88 Craven Walker invented what 60s fashionable icon Lava lamp
89 In Missouri it's illegal for anyone to do what on Sunday Play Hopscotch
90 In 1973 Roland Ohisson was buried in a coffin made of what Chocolate
91 Where in the world can you see the sun rise Pacific set Atlantic Panama on Isthmus
92 Name the first cartoon character made into a parade balloon Felix the Cat
93 What's unusual about the moons of Uranus Named Shakespeare
94 What common word comes from two Greek art/craft area study Technology tekhne
95 In 1925 two men first drove round Australia in what make of car Citroen 2 seater
96 T H White wrote the book for which Disney animated feature Sword in the Stone
97 Egypt Masbout - Armenia Sourg - Japan Koohii what is it Coffee
98 Marie Tussaud was born in what country Switzerland
99 In traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the 14th Ivory
100 Collective nouns - a giggle of what animals Hyenas

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