Wednesday, December 11, 2013

100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1 In SF California by law what is guaranteed to the masses Sunshine
2 In Star Trek what is the name of Spock's father Sarek
3 What company produces Olympia beer Miller in USA
4 What vegetable is found in the dish chicken divan Broccoli
5 In what country is the car model the Treka produced New Zealand
6 Whose slogan was plop plop fizz fizz Alka Seltzer
7 What actor is the spokesman for the National Rifle Association Charlton Heston
8 What would you find on Pink Sheets Bid Asked prices
OTC stocks
9 Name the first web browser publicly available NCSA Mosaic
10 In Kansas the law prohibits shooting rabbits from where A Motorboat
11 In MASH who planted the vegetable garden Father Mulcahy
12 Dragon Stout is brewed in what city / country Kingston Jamaica
13 What company introduced the first commercial minicomputer 65 DEC
14 What was Mae West sent to the workhouse for in 1926 Writing starring in
play called sex
15 Aurore Dupin b 1804 changed her name what 19th cent author George Sand
16 What was the name of Juliet's cousin killed by Benvolio in R+J Tynbalt
17 Jockey / Author Dick Francis what injury on his wedding day Broken collar bone
18 Mary Kelly was the last known who Victim Jack Ripper
19 Name the person who caused Chicago kids to get school milk Al Capone
20 In New York by law the death penalty is required for what act Jumping off a
21 In the Superman comics name the shrunken city in a bottle Kandor
22 What beer is represented by a goat Bocks Beer
23 What fish is known as poor mans lobster Monk Fish
24 What movie actor was (among other jobs) a bridge painter Paul Hogan
25 What was the most commonly occurring name on the internet Bill Clinton
26 What astrological star sign covers July 24 - August 23 Leo
27 What song is about a sheep stealing suicide Waltzing Matilda
28 Who wrote The Screwtape Letters C S Lewis
29 Name the first car model with transverse engine front wheel drive Austin Mini
30 In Texas its illegal to shoot a buffalo from where Hotel second story
31 In the Flintstones Dino was Fred's pet who was Barnie's Hoppy
32 Ouagodougou is the capitol of what country Bakina Faso
33 Roy Rogers girlfriend Dale Evans rode what named horse Buttermilk
34 Goyanthlay (one who yawns) famed under what Mexican name Geronimo
35 What does the initials NMT on a prescription mean Not More Than –
usually narcotics
36 What is the world tallest horse Shire Horse
37 In WW2 the Germans launched operation Bernhard - what Counterfeit British
38 What is the ruling planet of the astrological sign Taurus Venus
39 What bird lays the largest clutch of eggs The Grey Partridge –
up to 16
40 In Texas by law criminals must give their victims what 24 hours advance
written notice
41 On ER what is the character name of Mark Greens daughter Rachel
42 What Zimbabwe beer is named after a river Zambezi
43 In what part of New York did the Great Gatsby live West Egg
44 Name Merlin's owl in Disney's Sword in the Stone Archimedes
45 Jerry Yang and David Filo created what Yahoo
46 Who was the leader of the notorious Gambino Mafia family John Gotti
47 Name William Shakespeare son Hamnet
48 What is Barbara Streisands middle name Joan
49 What is Carambola Starfruit
50 In Thailand its illegal to step on what Nation's Currency

51 In Lynch Heights Delaware its illegal to do what in an airplane Sneeze
52 Victor Buono played what Batman villain in the original series King Tut
53 What Ferrari model was named after the makers son Ferrari Dino
54 Actor was known as Singing Sandy (dubbed) early in career John Wayne
55 A Stag with 12 point antlers is known as a what Royal
56 In what state was the largest cavalry battle in the civil war Virginia Brandy
Station 20000 men
57 In the Bible Jesus walked on water who else did this St Peter - to Jesus
from boat
58 What was Motowns biggest hit in 1968 Heard it through the
59 The Kung San people live in what area of Africa Kalahari Desert in
60 What is the most popular Mexican beer in the USA Corona
61 In Kansas its illegal to eat what on Sunday Snakes
62 In the Beverly Hillbillies what did Jethro get Jed for his birthday Electric Pencil
63 Whose cusine would offer you Leberkas German it’s liver
64 Where did Hamlet send his girlfriend Ophelia A Nunnery
65 What was the police chiefs name in the first two Jaws films Martin Brody
66 What group sang about a Suicide Blonde INXS
67 What African country gained independence in 1980 Zimbabwe
68 Where were the 1964 winter Olympics held Innsbruck Austria
69 In Sioux language the Paha-sapa is what place Black Hills - Dakota
70 What Wimbledon finalist (loser 1879) murdered his wife St Leger Gould
71 In Topeka Kansas its illegal to install what in your house Bathtubs
72 Simpson's what was Homers nickname as baseball team mascot Dancing Homer
73 What companies cars are nicknamed mopars Chrysler
74 Rhett Butler of Gone With the Wind was born where Charleston
75 The King Cobra is the only snake that does what Builds a Nest
76 What does a hotwalker do Walks a hot racehorse
77 In what county did the Aryan race originate India
78 What 80s band had a hit with Tainted Love Soft-Cell
79 What is a Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit
80 What is used to flavour Kriek Belgian beer Cherries
81 In Halstead Kansas doing what is illegal at the airport Walking and loud
82 In Life of Brian what name does Stan want to be known as now Loretta
83 "Its all Greek to me" comes from what Shakespeare play Julius Caesar
84 What was the name of the high school in the movie Grease Rydell
85 In what city was the first playboy club opened in 1960 Chicago
86 In the Bible in what city did Jesus perform his first miracle Cana - John 2:1.11
Water into wine
87 What was the Mark Twain in WW2 A Bombsight
88 Charcarodon Carcharias is the Latin name for what creature Great White Shark
89 If a prescription said b.i.d. what would it mean Twice Daily
90 What Indian tribe did the army most often use as scouts Crow
91 In Brockton Mass you must have a licence to enter where Towns Sewers
92 Happy Days was a spin off from what US TV show Love American Style
93 What river in Africa carries the most water Congo - Zaire
94 HG Wells invisible man had what physical oddity Albino
95 Who was known as The King of Pop Michael Jackson
96 Measure for Measure deals with what contemporary theme Angelo harasses
Isabella sexually
97 Where is the base city for Porsche cars Stuttgart Germany
98 What is Gohan Japanese Rice
99 What does Mit Hefe on a German beer bottle mean With Yeast
100 In Detroit wilfully destroying your old what is illegal Radio

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