Wednesday, December 11, 2013

D Unit Exam General Knowledge

No Questions Quiz 7
1 Margaret Herrick named it in 1931 what The Oscar – looked
like her uncle
2 Where would you see a pilcrow New paragraph
3 Shooting Rabbits Talking German Cutting Finger old terms what Farting – Victorian
4 Whose last word were "I have not told half of what I saw" Marco Polo
5 The Foudrinier machine is used to manufacture what Paper
6 What is the largest species of flatfish Halibut
7 Which is the earliest US military award for service beyond duty Purple Heart
8 In the UK sport of Kings what is significant about the number 18 Max letters in a
racehorses name
9 Hemmingway's Old Man and the Sea is set in which country Cuba
10 NAOH is the chemical formula for what Sodium Hydroxide
11 You can have a troop of actors and what group of animals Monkeys
12 What movie memorabilia sold at Christies in 1987 for £82500 Chaplains Hat Cane
13 In literature and films whose father was the Earl of Dorincourt Little Lord Fauntleroy
14 What do lentic fish like that lotic fish don’t Lentic still waters
lotic flowing
15 Cliff Richards She's so Beautiful who played every instrument Stevie Wonder
16 Which golfer was nicknamed Supermex Lee Travino
17 Nossa Senhora da Aparecida is Patron Saint of which country Brazil
18 Acinonyx Jubatus is what big pussy Cheetah
19 Portrait of a Man is the real title of which artistic work The Laughing
Cavalier Franz Halls
20 Vitamin B2 has what other name Riboflavin
21 Who was given a honorary Oscar in 1985 after 50 years acting James Stewart
22 Where were the 1952 Olympic games held Helsinki
23 A flageolet is another name for what musical instrument A penny whistle
24 American Hamilton Smith invented what in 1858 A washing machine
25 Whose symphony number seven is called the Leningrad Shostakovich
26 What is the biggest tourist attraction in Zambia Victoria falls
27 In WW2 what kind of aircraft was a horsa A glider
28 In 1967 what new safety measure was introduced to the UK Breathalyser
29 Pat Sullivan created which cartoon character Felix the cat
30 A newborn bactrian camel has how many humps None
31 Leonid Kravchuk became president of where in 1991 Ukraine
32 American Paul Theroux wrote novels and about what else Travel
33 In contract bridge a hand called chicane has what No trump cards
34 The Ladies Mercury in 1693 was the worlds first what Women's magazine
35 William Le Baron Jenny is credited with inventing what in the US Skyscraper
36 Whose final opera was called Death in Venice Benjamin Britain
37 Which Greek mountain is consecrated to the muses Helicon
38 Marzipan comes from Marci Panis literally meaning what Marks bread St Marks
day 25 April
39 Antanananarivo is the capitol of where Madagascar
40 Maiden, Mother of All, Footman all parts of what A Spinning wheel
41 The women's world cup in tennis is played for what trophy The Fed cup
42 What sort of creature is a bariroussa A pig
43 In Dallas what was the name of the bar Cattleman's Club
44 Handel's Harmonious Blacksmith is played on what instrument Harpsichord
45 What organisation was founded Canada by Mrs Hoodless 1897 The Women's Institute
46 What is the name of the Russian triangular guitar Balalaika
47 The first what was called The Original Purpose built lifeboat
48 USA UK and Irish women golfers play for which trophy Curtis cup
49 Who began his career as one of the Tennessee Two Johnny Cash
50 A man who commits Pseudogyny is doing what Uses woman's name
to deceive

51 If a doctor gives you a clyster what have you just got Injected into rectum
by tube
52 Where is the worlds largest mine Carletonville South
53 Vivaldi, Purcell and Handel's music is what type Baroque
54 We know what a veto is but what does it literally mean I forbid
55 Atahualpa was the last ruler of who Incas
56 In the body luteinizing hormone is produced by what gland Pituitary
57 What is used in a tempera painting Egg yoke and water
58 In the Sikh religion what is kesh Uncut hair or beard
59 What was Vivaldi's profession apart from composing Priest
60 C T Russell founded what organisation Jehovah's Witnesses
61 Which spice gives curry its colour Turmeric
62 Pidgin English started because of trade between UK and where China
63 In the international code of signals what does Oscar signify Man overboard
64 If you had canitis what have you got Grey hair
65 Name the Beatles first LP released in 1963 Please-please me
66 In which country is Penina golf course Portugal
67 Which artery supplies the kidneys with blood The renal
68 Which two colours are on a semaphore flag Red Yellow
69 Who was the first American in space - twice Gus Grissom
70 What was classical composer Mussorgsky's first name Modest
71 What is the largest BBS in the world CompuServe
72 In standard cine film how many frames are shown each second Twenty four
73 What was on B side of The Rolling Stones Ruby Tuesday Lets Spend the Night
74 Rolf Harris was Australian junior champion at what Swimming –
75 What does a lachrymose person do - a lot Cry
76 Where could you spend a guarani Paraguay
77 The Attock is a forbidden river that no pure who can pass Hindu
78 The marimba is a African form of what musical instrument Xylophone
79 The Gluckauf was the worlds first what Oil Tanker
80 Otalgia is what condition Earache
81 Portuguese West Africa is now known as what Angola
82 Country singer Hank Wangford has what profession Gynaecologist
83 What is smocking Needlework
84 What German word is printed on the labels of high quality wine Kabinett
85 What type of soup is a dubarry Cream of cauliflower
86 The Epstein-Barr virus causes what illness Glandular fever
87 Who was nicknamed Impeesa (no sleep wolf) by Matabele tribe Baden Powell
88 The Easter lily is a native plant of which country Japan
89 Aaron Copeland wrote a ballet about which American folk hero Billy the Kid
90 Which Flemish painter produced Adoration of the Kings Brueghel
91 Which quiz program never had contestants only contenders Mastermind
92 From the bull what colour is fourth on an archery target Black
93 Whose only line in his first play was Tennis Anyone Humphry Bogart
94 Which film is the first of the spaghetti westerns A fistful of Dollars
95 Who wrote Cliff Richards hit song Living Doll Lionel Bart
96 Which industry uses the gravure method Printing
97 What pollinates malacophilous plants Snails
98 Name the Rolling Stones second album Rolling Stones No 2
99 In what country are the Painted Lakes Indonesia
100 Jack Nicklaus named his course after his UK favourite what Muirfield

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