Wednesday, December 11, 2013

D Unit Exam General Knowledge

No Questions Quiz 4
1 Which film won the best special effects Oscar in 1961 The Guns of
2 The Great Gazoo was an alien in which cartoon series The Flintstones
3 Peach pear and plum all members of which family of plants Roses
4 What is the final event in the modern pentathlon Horse riding
5 In Spain what are Paradors State owned tourist
6 What are Acheron, Cocytus and Phlegethon Rivers of Hell
7 Classical seven ages of man Infant Schoolboy Lover what's next Soldier
8 In wacky races who drove the converter car Professor Pat Pending
9 A Robert Heinlein book won 1960 Hugo award name it Starship Troopers
10 What happened to you if you get a nosicomial condition Infection caught in
11 Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus was exiled in 1956 to where The Seychelles
12 In which novel would you find reference to "The Cracks of Doom" Lord of the Rings
13 If you were performing Christies or edging what are you doing Skiing
14 Where would you find a crossjack and a spanker Sailing ship there sails
15 In boxing what comes between bantam and light weight Feather weight
16 In Disney's Bedknobs and Broomsticks what magic words used Bibbity Bobbity Boo
17 First comic book character to return from death by demand is? Joker in Batman
18 Greenmantle, Three Hostages, Island of Sheep which character Richard Hannay
19 Which film won the best sound effects Oscar in 1990 Hunt for Red October
20 What was voted the best monopoly piece in 1998 The Car
21 In what city would you find The Jacques Cartier bridge Montreal
22 The A1 is the longest trunk road in the UK between what 2 cities London - Edinburgh
23 In the animal kingdom what creatures are in the order Chiroptera Bats
24 Greek mythology King Minos of Crete got what annual payment 7 men + Women to
feed to Minator
25 In medieval times what was a mangonel used for It was a siege catapult
26 Gean, Northern bird and Dwarf all types of what Cherry Tree
27 Who met at Ujiji in 1871 H M Stanley and Dr.
28 Pilgrims visit Mecca where is Mecca Saudi Arabia
29 What would you do with a wandering sailor Plant it it’s a plant
30 Germans call a WW1 sea fight Battle of Skagerrak what in UK Battle of Jutland
31 Port (left) was called what before Admiralty named it port in 1844 Larboard
32 Which Spanish town is noted for high quality steel swords Toledo
33 The Ngorogoro crater is in what Tanzanian National Park Serengeti
34 Hamlet, Macbeth Othello which Shakespeare tragedy is missing King Lear
35 Sand, Soda and what are the main ingredients of glass Limestone
36 What colour are the seats in the House of Lords Red - Commons green
37 What are Cats tail, Cocks foot and Sheep's fescue Types of grass
38 In what city would you find the Spanish Riding School Vienna
39 What is the most commonly used oil in Chinese cookery Groundnut or Peanut
40 Which film won the best screenplay Oscar in 1970 MASH
41 The word gospel from Anglo Saxon literally means what Good Tidings
42 Thor Heyerdahl vessels were Kon Tiki, Ra and what Tigris
43 And what happened to Tigris 3rd April 1978 He burned it anti war
44 If a doctor gave you an Ishihara test what is he testing for Colour blindness
45 Only one miracle is mentioned in all four gospels what is it Feeding of 5000
46 What is the worlds longest mountain range The Andes
47 Jason and the Argonauts sailed to where looking for the fleece Colchis
48 Suez is at one end of the Suez canal what is at the other Port Said
49 What are hunting, dress, old and Price Charles Edward types of Tartans
50 Dows, Grahams and Warres famous producers of what wine Port

51 What is the official language of Cuba Spanish
52 What new invention was shown to Queen Victoria 14 Jan 1878 The telephone
53 In 1956 16 tons topped the UK charts who was the singer Tennessee Ernie Ford
54 He died 28th July 1750 and had 20 children 6 survived name him Johan Sebastian Bach
55 Who gave Yves Saint Laurent his start in fashion Christian Dior
56 What is the first name of Agatha Christies Miss Marple Jane
57 Evangeline Booth became the first woman general in what army Salvation Army
58 You are a saucy boy comes from what Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet
59 Which film won the best sound effects Oscar in 1987 Robocop
60 Napka currency Ismara official capital which African country Eritrea
61 Where would you find pedals a resonator and a piller On a Harp
62 Ignoring Queen name the only woman to appear on UK currency Florence Nightingale
63 In area what is the largest South American country Brazil
64 Pierre Augustine Caron de Baumarchais play what Opera based on it Barber of Seville
65 In wacky races who drove the Creepy Coop Gruesome Twosome
66 Whose catchphrase was "Stop messing About" Kenneth Williams
67 John Dick Ann Timmy who is missing from this famous five Julian
68 Dawson City was replaced by Whitehorse as the capital where Yukon
69 Carara in Tuscany is famous for producing what Marble
70 There are 150 what in The Bible Psalms
71 Author of Good as Gold and Closing Time but famed for another Joseph Heller Catch
72 The Owen Ford Dam one of worlds largest is in which country Uganda
73 Which wine grape variety is nicknamed The King of Grapes Cabernet Sauvignon
74 Cushat, Rock and Stock all types of which creature Doves
75 What do ensign, cadet, osprey and 505 have in common Sailing Dinghy's
76 In cookery what does ricotta literally mean Twice cooked
77 What links Martha Corey Brigit Bishop Mary Easty in 17th cent Salem Witchcraft trial
78 In Shakespeare King Lear was king of where Britain
79 Artist Marc Chegal died in 1985 in what country was he born Russia
80 Which film won the best song Oscar in 1971 Shaft - The theme
from Shaft
81 Who wrote Man are from Mars Women are from Venus John Grey
82 Klu Klux Clam, Uncle Ant Disgruntled goat characters from? Itchy & Scratchy in
The Simpsons
83 Which artist painted The Fighting Temeraire Joseph Mallard
William Turner
84 Why could you find a hoist and a fly On a flag
85 Where would you see a stoop or what creature is doing it A falcons diving
86 Dr Teeth was the leader of the band Electric Mayhem - where The Muppet Show
87 Dammen in Dutch is what game Draughts or Checkers
88 A horses height is measured from the ground to what part Withers - base of neck
crest line
89 What was the first Disney animated film released on video Dumbo
90 In Superman what was the original name of The Daily Planet The Daily Star
91 Louisa Adams was the only first lady to be what Born outside USA
92 In Italian pasta cusine what does al dente literally mean To the teeth
93 If a wine is described as alcooleux what has it got Overwhelming
94 Which of the Apostles is traditionally pictured with a purse Matthew taxman
95 Which peoples name translates as eaters of raw flesh Eskimo
96 Guiseppe Verdi wrote Aida - in what city was it premiered Cairo
97 Dance with a Stranger was the film of who's life story Ruth Ellis
98 What nationality was Saint Paul of Tarsus Turkish
99 Where did you see Fancy, Spook and Choo-Choo In Top Cat
100 In which film was the best supporting actor Oscar won in 1975 The Sunshine Boys
George Burns

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