Wednesday, December 11, 2013

General Knowledge in English

Part 6
1 Odele and Odette appear in what Tchaikovsky ballet Swan Lake
2 In what country is The Duma part of parliament Russia
3 Nonage is what reason to stop a marriage Underage one or both
4 Kier Auro is good morning in what language Maori
5 In what sport does herringboning take place Skiing
6 What is a marcupium A marsupials pouch
7 At you would find information about what Food or Restaurants
8 What does a konimeter measure Dust
9 A stellate object is shaped like what Star shaped
10 What is MMM minus MD MD 3000-1500=1500
11 Balsa wood gets its name from Spanish what's literal meaning Raft
12 Who is the Patron Saint of Accountants Saint Matthew
13 In what country did the Sabines live Italy
14 Who often solved a three pipe problem Sherlock Holmes
15 The tumblebug is an alternative name for which insect Dung Beetle
16 St Stevens Tower is usually misnamed what Big Ben
17 What type of clothing article is a Belcher Neckerchief
18 Who was kidnapped in Robert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped David Balfour
19 Jewish boys have a Barmitsva at 13 what do girls get at 12 A Batmitsva
20 What European capitol stands on the river Aare Berne Switzerland
21 In which Dickens novel does Little Nell appear The Old Curiosity
22 Name Harry Potters non magical cousin Dudley Dursley
23 Which real person took name meaning Man of Steel Joseph Stalin
24 What are woolly and spider types of Monkey
25 Where do boy scout leaders get their names from The Jungle Book –
Rudyard Kipling
26 Where would you find a Mott Bailey and Keep A Castle
27 In what country was fashion designer Yves St Laurent born Algeria
28 What common British river name come from Celtic for river Avon
29 Jayne Austin is famous but who reigned Britain when she wrote George III
30 What composer was the there of the 1947 film Song of Love Johannes Brahms
31 Who is known as The father of Poetry Homer
32 Who was the first US president to be sworn in by a woman Lyndon B Johnson –
when JFK killed
33 Who sometimes used the pseudonym Al Brown Alphonse Capone
34 What does Monaco get most of its income from Gambling Casinos etc
35 Professor Kelp transformed into who Buddy Love – Jerry
Lewis Nutty Professor
36 What is the commonest item traded internationally Petroleum and its by
37 Lake Tittikaka is in Peru and what other country Bolivia
38 Who was the first British monarch to visit America George VI in 1939
39 Collective nouns - A nye of what Pheasants
40 Where was the Hesperus wrecked Massachusetts
Normans Woe Glos.
41 Britain's oldest existing Trade Union was founded in 1747 what trade Brushmakers and
General Workers
42 In the creation myth on the fourth day God made what Sun Moon Stars
43 All PCs have a BIOS what does bios stand for Basic Input Output
44 British soldiers mentioned in despatches get which bronze award The Oak Leaf
45 In 1967 an Australian had one 11lb in weight - what Carrot
46 Sissy Jupe adopted by Thomas Gradgrind which Dickens novel Hard Times
47 Operation Thunderbolt was the nickname given to which raid Israeli raid on Entebbe
48 In Japan what is Raku Biscuit fired Pottery
49 Skimbleshanks was a T S Elliot cat what was his area The Railway Cat
50 What is the largest Island in The Greater Antilles Cuba

51 What country used the first aircraft equipped bomber in war Italy Italian Turkish
war 1912
52 In what sport would you find a coffin Cross country riding
it’s a fence
53 John Huxham in 1750 invented which word Influenza
54 TABSO is the national airline of which country Bulgaria
55 Who wrote the comic opera Robinson Crusoe Offenbach
56 What was Didus Ineptus better known as The Dodo
57 What sport featured in the 1980 film Breaking Away Cycling
58 Ambigu was an early form of what card game Poker
59 The cast iron plant is another name for which pot plant Aspidistra
60 What does the name Tokyo mean Eastern City
61 Sir Walter Raleigh found what odd lake in Trinidad Lake of Tar or
62 Worlds oldest existing treaty of 1373 between England and who Portugal
63 Bargasse is what type of vegetable matter Sugar Cane Pulp
64 Who was Hiawatha's father Mudjekeewis – The
West Wind
65 Kitty, fire, draw and tuck in are terms in what sport Green Bowls
66 Ordinary seaman Able Seaman what comes next Leading Seaman
67 What was Thin Lizzies first hit in 1973 Whiskey in the Jar
68 The sprat belongs to what fish family Herring
69 The Horned Planet is better known as what Venus
70 Who did the painting on the cover of The Bands first album Bob Dylan
71 Carrantual is the highest peak in which country Ireland
72 Who wrote The Symphony of a Thousand Mahler his eighth
73 What is Greece's second city after Athens Selonika
74 What was Paul the Apostles real name Saul
75 When is Superman's birthday 29th February
76 John Young, Gemini 3, 1968 first to do what in space Eat a hamburger
77 What is the Curia Administration of the
Catholic Church
78 The locals call it Firenze what do we call it Florence Italy
79 What common sign derived from the Medici family crest Pawnbrokers balls
80 What is a sound below 20 cycles a second called A Woof
81 Goldaming in Surrey was the first English town to have what Electric street lighting
82 Jim Bakus supplied the voice of which cartoon character Mr Magoo
83 Who speaks Quechua Peruvian Indians
84 Generally cornflowers are what colour Blue
85 Starting highest write the Roman Numerals in descending order MDCLXVI or 1966
86 Yoi, Yame, Seremade and Hantai terms in what sport Karate
87 Africa's four great rivers Nile, Congo Zambezi and what Niger
88 Catriona was a sequel to which famous novel Kidnapped R L
89 Who sang the original version of Blue Suede Shoes Carl Perkins
90 What kind of material is guipure Lace
91 Name a quadruped beginning with the letter N Newt - Nutria – Nagli
92 Unusual (for him) role Bogart play in The Return of Doctor X 1939 A Vampire
93 In Norway what is a brisling A Sprat
94 Who composed the Symphonies Fantastique Hector Berlioz
95 Mediolanum was the Roman name for what Italian city Milan
96 Which British city had the first pavements (sidewalks) in 1688 Edinburgh in High St
and Cowgate
97 What is considered to be the worlds fastest team game Ice Hockey
98 What song did Marilyn Munroe sing in the film Bus Stop That Old Black Magic
99 Which King was the first to use the Royal We Richard the Lionheart
100 The locals call it Shqiperia what do we call this country Albania

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