Monday, December 9, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 1
No Questions Quiz 24 Answers
51 In Georgia what can you not keep in your bathtub Donkey
52 Leonard Sly became famous as who Roy Rodgers
53 Perry Como the singer once worked as what A Barber
54 What colour did Ida McKinley ban from the White House Yellow
55 Who said "computers are useless they only give you answers" Pablo Picasso
56 What country has a Bible on its flag Dominican Republic
57 What animal can smell a virgin same type from 1.8 miles away Gypsy Moth
58 67% of the worlds population have never done what Make a phone call
59 In Albany NY in winter children were arrested for what illegal act Sledging and sledges
were broken
60 What county first used pepper China
61 In Florida public singing is illegal if you are wearing what Swimsuit
62 What was the first USA TV series screened in the USSR Fraggle Rock
63 Every year 8800 people injure themselves with what Toothpick
64 98% of Japanese citizens are what Cremated
65 What is the only number in English that has letters in alpha order Forty
66 Silvester in Germany is what day in USA / England New Years Eve
67 What is the worlds largest herb Banana
68 What is the only river that flows both north and south of equator The Congo
69 An average American consumes 600 what a year Cans of Soda
70 Clark Gable had what job before acting Telephone Repairman
71 In Beaconsfield Quebec it is illegal to own what Log Cabin
72 Who said "Too much of a good thing is wonderful" Mae West
73 What games name literally means To Grope Frantically Scrabble
74 What is the most ordered seafood item in a restaurant Shrimp
75 Schmuck in German literally means what Jewellery
76 In Providence Rhode Island its illegal to buy what on a Sunday Toothbrush
77 What is Bart Simpson's middle name JoJo
78 What was created in Canada in 1923 for first time criminals A Spanking Machine
79 There are 42 what in a standard deck of cards (exclude jokers) Eyes
80 Mary Cathering Collins became famous as who Bo Derek
81 In Minnesota it is illegal to wear what in bed Nothing ie be naked
82 Raquel Welch was once a what Weathergirl
83 What happens to 12% of Americans each year Arrested
84 In 1983 a Japanese artist copied the Mona Lisa in what material Toast
85 In US on what Day are most collect calls reverse charges made Fathers Day
86 What was Jimmy Hoffas middle name Riddle
87 What country has the most doughnut shops per capita Canada
88 Poona was the original name of what sport/game Badminton
89 Who sang the theme song for The Love Boat Jack Jones
90 What links Pauldron Crisse Gorget and Tassle Knights Armour
91 In Cheyenne Wyoming its illegal to do what on a Wednesday Take a shower
92 Who invented Scissors Leonardo Da Vinci
93 What is the name for 100th of a second A Jiffy
94 Who said "never kick a fresh turd on a hot day" Harry S Truman
95 Who was the first African American to play in a NBA game Earl Lloyd
96 10% (by weight) of the worlds land animals are what species Ants
97 Where is the Greyhound Racing Hall of Fame located Abilene Kansas
98 Diane Belmont became famous as who Lucille Ball
99 What star was once a vacuum cleaner salesman Rock Hudson
100 In Texarkana it’s illegal to ride a horse at night without what Tail Lights

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