Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 1
No Questions Quiz 31 Answers
1 The lack of calcium in the diet causes what condition Rickets
2 Where would you find Lunate Triquetral and Hamate Bones in Wrist
3 What are Jean Bernard, Pierre St-Martin and Berger in France Worlds deep caves
4 Dallol Ethiopia has what claim to fame Worlds hottest
average place 94
5 Where are Bay of Heats and Bay of Dew Sinus Aestuum - Roris Near side of Moon
6 The star constellation Lepus has what English name The Hare
7 Lauris Nobilis is the Latin name of what common herb Bay
8 If you suffered from varicella what have you got Chickenpox
9 Chi is the Chinese year of what Cock
10 A Comte France Landgraf Germany Conde Italy what England Earl
11 In heraldry what is a vertical line dividing a shield called Pale
12 The Templeton prize is awarded annually for progress in what Religion
13 International car registration letters what country is ZA South Africa
14 In England what is the most popular girls name of the 90s Rebecca
15 Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are dead - name playwright Tom Stoppard
16 Lucy Johnson became famous under what name Ava Gardner
17 What is a Tam Tam Orchestral Gong
18 FITA are the governing body of what sport Archery
19 Denzil Washington's first film as director was what Finding Fish
20 What is Canada's oldest city founded in 1608 Quebec
21 In the Jewish religion what's banned during The three weeks Marriage or Haircut
22 Who wrote the hymn Hear my Prayer Mendlesson
23 38 million Americans one in five don’t like what Sex
24 Alan Ginsberg is credited with inventing what 60s phrase Flower Power
25 Where would you find a pintle Hinge - it’s the pin
holding it
26 Who created Woody Woodpecker Walter Lantz
27 Winston Churchill had a dog - what type Miniature Poodle
28 Who was born in Chicago 5th December 1901 died 1966 Walt Disney
29 What is the name of Paul McCartney's official fan club Club Sandwich
30 By US government figures people have tried 28000 ways of what Losing Weight
31 If you suffer from Tinea Pedis what have you got Athletes foot
32 What colour is Llamas milk Yellow
33 In Alberta its illegal to play craps if you are using what Dice
34 Narcotics comes from the Greek - what it literally mean Electric eels - put on
35 What did Pope John XX1 use as effective eyewash Babies Urine
36 Rhodopsis original Egyptian Cinderella had what job Prostitute - bird stole
her shoe
37 Whose attendance compulsory at priests banquets in Egypt Mummies – dead
reminded short life
38 Siddhartha Gautama became better known as who Buddha
39 In ancient Greece young brides had to sacrifice what Their Dolls – show
they were grown up
40 Caer-Lud was the former name of what capitol city London
41 4% of women never do what according to survey Wear Underwear
42 In superstition if you marry on Saturday you will have what No luck at all
43 What was the first million dollar seller paperback I the Jury – Mickey
44 Who founded Methodism in 1738 John Wesley
45 What was the ancient Egyptian cure for haemorrhoids Beer - lots of beer
46 Middle ages Monks denied meat on fast days ate what Rabbit Foetuses –
Said were eggs
47 Where was Ice Cream invented China
48 Brittany Spears - what is her favourite drink Sprite
49 What job does Charlie Browns father do Barber
50 International direct dialling codes what country has 353 Republic of Ireland

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