Monday, December 9, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 1
No Questions Quiz 30 Answers
1 Lycopersicum esculentum is what common food Tomato
2 International Airline Registrations N is what country America
3 20s Robert 50s Robert 70s Michael what US top boys name 90s Michael
4 What is Top Kanal in Poland Commercial TV
5 Rice-Kellogg invented what in 1924 Loudspeakers
6 Breakfast at Tiffanies - famous film - who wrote the book Truman Capote
7 Cecil B De Mille the film director had what middle name Blount
8 If music was played leggiero how should it be done Lightly
9 Who sculpted Rima, Genisis and Ecco Homo Jacob Epstein
10 The Fool in French and the Runner in German what in English Chess Bishop - Fou –
11 In what game/sport is the McRobinson shield played for Croquet
12 53 is the international dialling code for what country Cuba
13 Nut - Neuth - Nuit alterative names Egyptian goddess of what Sky
14 In heraldry animals addorsed are in what position Back to Back
15 The locals call it Al-Magrib what do we call this country Morocco
16 Traditionally what should be given on an 11th anniversary Steel
17 Barbara, Carignan, Cinsaut, and Nebbilo are verities of what Italian wine grapes
18 If you landed at Balice airport where would you be Cracow Poland
19 Galt MacDermot wrote what 1967 musical stage show Hair
20 What planet in our system is not named after a god Earth
21 By US Congress law 1832 citizens should do what annually Fasting and prayer
22 What book was banned in Ireland in 1932 Brave New World –
Aldus Huxley
23 In Breton Alabama there is a law against riding what down street Motorboat
24 Who would use a claque Actor - Paid audience
25 18% of USA coins 7% of notes have what on them Dangerous Bacteria
26 Oryza sativa is what staple food item Rice
27 Catherine the Great kept who in an iron cage in her bedroom Wigmaker
28 The Selenas Valley was the rejected title what Steinbeck book East of Eden
29 Azote was the original name of what element Nitrogen
30 What animals cannot swim Gorillas
31 In Riverside Cal its illegal to kiss unless both wipe lips with what Rose Water
32 What USA city is also a slang name for a pineapple Chicago
33 What was banned in US movie theatres in the 1920s Popcorn - too noisy
34 If you were performing a fillip what are you doing Snapping Fingers
35 What unusual flavour did the Jell-O company try in 1942 Cola
36 The interior of what is called the paste Cheese round
37 What was Robin Williams paid for Disney's Aladdin in 1982 Scale $485 day +
Picasso Painting
38 More than 40% of USA women were once what Girl Scouts
39 What uses 28 calories if done for one minute Kiss
40 In 1820 what was taxed in Missouri Bachelors
41 What is the official drink of the state of Ohio Tomato Juice
42 The Russian composer Alexander Borodin had what other job Chemistry Professor
St Petersburg
43 18% of animal owners do what with their pets Share beds
44 The UIT govern what sport International shooting
45 90% of Americans consider themselves what Shy
46 In Minnesota it is illegal to tease what animal Skunk
47 She is the Chinese name of what year (animal) Serpent
48 Who wrote The Deceiver 1991 and The Fist of God 1993 Frederick Forsyth
49 What does the name Stephen mean - from the Greek Crown
50 International Airline Registrations SX is what country Greece

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