Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 1
No Questions Quiz 35 Answers
1 In ancient India how were dead parents traditionally disposed of Eaten by offspring as
a sign of respect
2 Phalacrophobia is the fear of what Going Bald
3 Humans lose 27 what a day Moulted Pubic Hairs
4 Who would use a brannock or what for Measure foot shoes
5 What is the smallest book in the Library of Congress Old King Cole –
thumbnail size
6 Lucille Langhanke born 1906 won an Oscar as who in 1941 Mary Astor
7 Harrison Ford played CIA agent Jack Ryan - who else has Alec Baldwin
8 The song I know him so well comes from what stage musical Chess
9 Lewis Ernest Watts became famous under what name John Mills
10 Who had a hit with First Cut is the Deepest in 1977 Rod Stuart
11 And who wrote the song Cat Stephens
12 What is the thing that wives do that annoy most husbands Nag
13 And what's the top annoyance among wives Untidiness
14 Name the author who created Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox Joel Chandler Harris
15 Zane Grey the western writer had what initial profession Dentist
16 Vivaldi composed The Four Seasons - what's his first name Antonio
17 In which Irish county is Bantry Bay Cork
18 Burning potassium has what colour flame Purple
19 De'cappo means what in music Repeat from start
20 Name first animated film to be nominated for best picture Oscar Disney Beauty and
the Beast
21 Jazz Trumpeter John Birks was better known as who Dizzy Gillespie
22 Jacinth or Hyacinth are alternative names of what mineral Zircon
23 Nanook is a Canadian word for what animal Polar Bear
24 In what prison did Nelson Mandela spend 19 of 27 years in jail Robben Island
25 What should you give on a 35th wedding anniversary Coral
26 The Punjab is an area of India meaning what Five Rivers
27 In Morse code one dash four dots what number Six
28 What country has the worlds largest merchant navy Liberia
29 Until computers replaced it who would use a Bloggoscope OS Map Makers from
Aerial photos
30 Where did Mathias Rust land his Cessna in 1987 Red Square Moscow
31 What does AMSTRAD stand for Alan Michael Sugar
32 St Sithney is the Patron Saint of what Mad Dogs
33 What was Super Mario's original name Jumperman
34 Pitcairn Airlines were the first to provide what in 1922 Air Sick Bags
35 Sotheby's sold a 200 year old bit of Tibetan what $1500 in 1993 Cheese
36 What caused the first Rednecks to be Redneck Vitamin D Deficiency
- poor diet
37 What is Virga Rain the don’t reach
38 A Pullicologist is an expert in what Fleas
39 During their lifetime the average person eats four what Spiders in their sleep
40 Smith most common English surname what's the Japanese Suzuki
41 Annually 2500 left handed people die doing what Using right handed
42 All windmills turn counter clockwise except where Ireland
43 The word melee comes from what sport Football village play
44 On the PH scale what does PH stand for Potential Hydrogen
45 In Michigan it is illegal to chain what to a fire hydrant An Alligator
46 Magnifera Indica is the Latin name of what fruit Mango
47 What Searchers hit was written by Sony Bono Needles and Pins
48 What was Robert Browning's pet name for his wife Elizabeth Portuguese
49 31% of people said what was the most disgusting personal habit Spitting
50 What song links Little Eva and Kylie Minogue The Locomotion

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