Thursday, December 12, 2013

GK for University Admission Test

Step 10
1 In Star Trek Generation who was the chief of security killed off Tasha Yar
2 The star Antares is in which constellation Scorpius
3 In Islam what is the third piller of wisdom - there's 5 in total Charity - 2.5 % of
4 Andrew Patterson wrote which definitive Australian song Waltzing Matilda
5 Who was vice president US when A bomb dropped on Hiroshima No One - was not one
6 At the request of EMI who was painted out Sarge Peppers cover Mahatma Gandhi
7 What is divided into 114 surahs The Koran - Surah =
8 If a doctor says you have singultus what have you got Hiccups
9 Which female name means bright or illustrious Clare or Clara
10 Richard Hannay hero of the 39 steps is which nationality Canadian
11 Skadi is the Norse Goddess of what Winter and the Hunt
12 The religious text Mishna comes from which religion Judaism
13 Amerigo Vespucci airport is in which city Florence
14 What type of food is a sacatorta Chocolate cake or
15 Which places name means many islands Polynesia
16 What was advertised as anytime anyplace anywhere Martini
17 The sequel to which famous novel was called 20 years after The Three Musketeers
18 In 1782 in France what was louison or louisette The Guillotine before
renaming it
19 In which country do the Sumi people live Lapland
20 Who captained the sloop The Witch of Endor Horatio Hornblower
21 Cross country, Riding, Swimming, Fencing what's missing Pistol Shoot Modern
22 The star Spica is in which constellation Virgo
23 Which psychologist invented the terms introvert and extrovert Carl Jung
24 According to J K Rowling what are muggles Ordinary people no
25 In the Bible who was Adam and Eves youngest child Seth or Shet
26 In food what does UHT mean on the carton Ultra Heat Treatment
27 Who released the album Invincible Michael Jackson
28 Which order of monks are famous for their silence Trappist
29 In which country could you spend a taka Bangladesh
30 Who composed the opera Turendot Giacomo Puccini
31 Which group of Marvel superheroes fought Doctor Doom Fantastic Four
32 Which chemical was introduced to US as a cough suppressant Heroin
33 Meaning person who overcomes name the ancient Indian religion Jainism
34 "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day." which poems start Elegy written in a
country churchyard
35 Lovely Rita meter maid appeared on which Beatles album Sergeant Peppers
36 What is the name for the group of men who elect a Pope College of Cardinals
37 2 categories of ballroom dance are used in competition Latin and Smooth
38 Abel Magwitch and Biddy appear in which Dickens book Great Expectations
39 In the Simpsons name the Police Chief Chester Wiggum
40 In the original Star Trek the Horta was a life form based on what Silicon
41 The Zagros mountain range is in which country Iran
42 The Treaty of Paris in 1856 ended which war The Crimean war
43 Name Greek Goat Amaltheas horns that good things flowed from Cornucopia
44 Which mythical UK creature becomes an evil boggart if annoyed Brownie
45 The second piller of Islam Salah involves what Daily prayers
46 Which battle was fought at Senlac hill Battle of Hastings
47 Which Biblical heroes name meant splendid sun Samson
48 Who wrote The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra Benjamin Britain
49 Insertion, Heap, Topological and Bubble types of which IT thing Sorting methods in
50 Operation Urgent Fury was the US invasion of where Granada

51 What is the staple food of the Maori people of New Zealand Sweet Potato
52 The IAAF finally recognised women in which sport in 1995 Pole Vault
53 Hashimoto's disease is the malfunctioning of which gland Thyroid
54 Which UK punk group had hits White Riot and London Calling The Clash
55 Petroselinum crispum is the Latin name of which herb Parsley
56 Dobby Selvages and Filling are terms used in which process Weaving
57 In music if F major is the key what is the relative minor D minor
58 Who produced and directed the Death Wish series of films Michael Winner
59 Mozart wrote Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman what's its English title Twinkle – Twinkle
little star
60 After The Red Baron was shot down who took over his squadron Herman Goering
61 In Greek mythology which woman's name means all gifts Pandora
62 A lido is open air swimming pool where was the original lido Venice
63 Name the test applied to computers to see if they can think Turing test
64 Where would you find a bema narthex and apse In a Basilica
65 Which company manufactures Calvin Kline's Obsession Unilever
66 Name UK General who defeated Montcalm on Plains Abraham James Wolfe
67 Jim Rhodes is the alter ego of which Marvel comic book hero Iron Man
68 Old Dominion was a nickname of which US state Virginia
69 Bor and Bestla his parents Vili and Ve his brothers name him Odin chief Norse God
70 The computer language LISP means what List Processing
71 The Shining Path is a revolutionary movement in which country Peru
72 Name European Cathedral known as the coronation cathedral Rheims
73 Which stars name means chained maiden Andromeda
74 Which novel opens and closes with the letters of Robert Walton Frankenstein
75 In Star Trek Deep Space Nine which character had a simbiant Jadzea Dax
76 If you landed at Mirabel international airport where are you Montreal
77 Which pop singer was nicknamed The Groover from Vancouver Brian Adams
78 Agni, face covered in butter, is the Hindu god of what Fire
79 The religious text Tripitaka comes from which religion Buddhism
80 Who had the gift of prophecy and the curse of not being believed Cassandra Daughter
of Priam of Troy
81 Which books chief rival is the Encyclopaedia Galactica Hitchhikers Guide to
the Galaxy
82 Harold H Lipman received a patent in 1858 for what invention Gluing a rubber on a
83 The opening lines of which classic Russian novel are in French War and Peace eh
bien mon prince
84 From the Earth to the sun is one AU what does AU stand for Astronomical Unit
85 Captain Hans Langsdorff captained which German Battleship Graf Spee
86 If a doctor says you have ecchymosis what have you got A Bruise
87 In TS Elliot's book of practical cats name the mystery cat Macavity
88 Copper gets its name from which Mediterranean country Cyprus where it was
first found
89 In his will who left his wife his second best bed William Shakespeare
90 Who is the Patron Saint of boy scouts Saint George
91 Who designed the difference engine finally built in 1991 Charles Babbage's
computer 1796
92 What is the largest environmental organisation in the world Greenpeace
93 Enterprise Alabama they erected a monument to which insect Boll weevil no cotton
better cash crops
94 Odin owned Geri and Freki what were they Wolves
95 Which female name means worth of love Amanda
96 In Greek mythology Deianeira was the wife of who Hercules
97 Who composed the opera Ill Travatore Guiseppe Verdi
98 Troy McClure appears in which cartoon series The Simpsons
99 Illinois second largest city and a TV detective share what name Rockford
100 In Star Fleet Will Riker plays which musical instrument Trombone

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