Thursday, December 12, 2013

GK for University Admission Test

Step 8
1 What drink began in Morison's drug store Waco Texas in 1885 Dr Peppers
2 In you called Jl52020 or 555 2020 in film who would answer Ghostbusters
3 In Norse mythology women were made from a tree - which tree Elm
4 Which western writer created Hopalong Cassidy Louis L'Amour
5 Which group were originally known as the Russellites Jehovah's Witnesses
6 What flavours cavatappi al nero pasta Squid Ink
7 What does a thurifer do Swing censor
Anglican high mass
8 Operation Olympic was a WW2 invasion plan not used where Japan surrendered
9 Which dog breed gets its name from German meaning to splash The Poodle
10 William Perks became more famous as who Bill Wyman
11 In religious art, which Saint is associated with an ox Saint Luke
12 Where would you find your natal cleft Arse it’s the crack
13 If you landed at MCO airfield where are you Orlando Florida
14 The Sicilian, French and Alekhines are all used in which game Chess
15 Which American Indians modern name in Spanish means village Pueblo
16 Kaleidoscope. Daddy, Palomino and Changes name the author Danielle Steele
17 Istanbul and Constantinople what else was it called Byzantium
18 Olof Sonderblom conceived and patented what technology Token Ring
19 American Literary Association gives Caldicott medal for what Illustration
20 What is the name for the sacred circle in Tantric Buddhism Mandala
21 Tefnut was the Egyptian goddess of what Rain
22 In a state of readiness is the literal meaning of which job title Waiter
23 Name group originally called the golliwogs had hit Proud Mary Credence Clearwater
24 Boxing, Wrestling and which Olympic event still exclude women Weight Lifting
25 Which Greek Philosopher taught at the lyceum Aristotle
26 In Sesame street name the detective who often said egad Sherlock Hemlock
27 What is the more common name of Sildenafil Citrate Viagra
28 Which poet wrote "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" Alexander Pope essay
on criticism
29 In the Bible where was Jesus when he ascended into heaven Bethany
30 Aldeberan is the brightest star in which constellation Taurus
31 Six copies of what are stored under bell jars in Serves France The Kilogram in
platinum iridium
32 What was Bruce Lees first Hollywood produced film Enter the Dragon
33 Who owned a sword called crocea mors or yellow death Julius Caesar
34 Common liquor in Alien Urine Sample, Napoleon, Blue Hawaiian Curacao
35 All inhabitants of Pitcairn island belong to what US religion Seventh Day
36 Dalmatian dogs originated in which country Yugoslavia - Dalmatia
37 Nelis, Seckel, Forelle and Bosc all varieties of what Pears
38 Mao had the red book who did the green book on African unity Moammar Qaddhaffi
39 Which countries name come from the wood its first major export Brazil
40 Dionea Muscipula is the Latin name for which flesh eater Venus Fly Trap
41 Unimak is the largest island in which group Aleutians
42 Paronite and caronite are the ores what is extracted Titanium
43 A web designer might use CGI scripts what does CGI stand for Common Gateway
44 Which French General left Napoleon to become King of Sweden Jean-Baptiste Jules
45 What is the worlds fifth largest religion Sikhism
46 Outside the work is the literal meaning of which snack food Hors Derves
47 Who is the Greek Goddess of the moon Selene
48 Python film Your mother was a hamster father smelt of what Elderberries
49 Who wrote The Joy of SexAlex Comfort
50 Which breed of dog gets its name from the French for earth Terrier

51 In the book Little Women what is the sisters surname March
52 Which war was ended by The Congress of Westphalia Thirty Years War
53 In Greek mythology who invented the lyre Hermes
54 The continental title baron is equal to which UK title Earl
55 Name the boat on which you can see Niagara Falls Maid of the Mist
56 What creature called reem in Hebrew mentioned in Deuteronomy Unicorn - but reem
has 2 horns
57 What sin have inhabitants of Dantes first circle of hell committed Pride - they are
crushed by stones
58 Kenneth Daigneau won $100 for naming which product Spam
59 The Romans called it Numidia what do we call it today Algeria
60 Norse mythology Asgard was home of the Gods what's Midgard Earth
61 The Sound and the Fury took its title from what other work Macbeth
62 Krusty the Clown and Chandler in Friends have an extra what Nipple
63 Heinrich Schliemann archaeologist famous for excavating where Troy
64 In the strip cartoon Dilbert name Dilbert's girlfriend Liz
65 In what sport would you find the terms hack, tee and hog line Curling
66 Name the British General in charge of the 1916 offensive WW1 Sir Douglas Haig
67 Which Saint is associated with an eagle in religious art Saint John
68 Which girls name means farseeing Prudence
69 The Greeks used hexagonal or triangular ones of burnt clay what Coffins
70 Bean setting, Leap frog, Laudnum bunches types of what dance Morris dances
71 What plant is sometimes called the poor mans weatherglass Scarlet Pimpernel
72 Which mountain is called Goddess of the Harvest by the locals Annapurna in Nepal
73 The French call it pomplamouse what do we call it Grapefruit
74 The Sejm are the legislative body in which country Poland
75 Which theatre styles name translates as skills or talents Noh
76 Hathor Egyptian, Branwen Celtic, Frigga Norse Goddess of what Love
77 What was the name of the changeling on Deep Space Nine Odo
78 In the Flintstones what order did Fred and Barney belong to Water Buffalos
79 Who was European correspondent New York Tribune 1851/62 Karl Marx
80 The name of which language means off the coast in Arabic Swahili
81 What was originally made of bamboo then a plastic called grex Hula Hoops by Arthur
Melin 1958
82 Name the son / daughter of Eliot / Ruth Handler Barbie / Ken yes those
83 Cancha, Cesta, Cinta terms in which sport Jai Alai - Court Glove
84 Britain's live cable TV used to show what game topless Darts - filmed in
85 In the original trivial pursuit brown was what category Geography
86 Hal Jordan was the original alter ego of which comic super hero Green Lantern now
Kyle Rayner
87 Which company brewed harp lager Guinness
88 Wired Digital Incorporated created which search engine Hotbot
89 What fictional planet orbited the red star Negus 12 Superman's Krypton
90 Who wrote the book The Puppet Masters later a film Robert Heinlein
91 Xavier Roberts was the original creator of which toy Cabbage Patch Dolls
92 In the Muppet band Zoot plays which instrument Saxophone
93 What was invented by Garnet Carter of Chattanooga in 1926 Miniature Golf
94 What is classified on the Fujita scale Tornados 1 to 5
95 Pope John Paul II played for the Polish national team what sport Rugby
96 In the Bible what in Hebrew means Place of a Skull Golgotha
97 What did Tantalus serve to the Gods that caused his punishment His dismembered son
98 Wilma Rudolf first black US woman to win Olympic gold where Rome in 1960 (3)
99 In Sesame street name the two headed friendly monster Frank and Stein
100 French word meaning growth is applied to top quality wines Cru

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