Thursday, December 12, 2013

GK Questions Quiz and Answers

 Quiz No 6
1 In which sport would you hear the term bedposts Ten Pin Bowling a 7 – 10 split
2 What, specifically, won’t Meatloaf do for love Screw Around
3 In Australia what is the second Sunday in May Mothers day
4 What's the only crime that the church would not grant sanctuary Sacrilege
5 Zero on a roulette wheel is what colour Green
6 Name Homer Simpsons bowling team Pin Pals
7 In Troy measurement a pennyweight contains 24 what Grains
8 Orthography is the study of what Mountains
9 Pentlandite is the main ore providing which metal Nickel
10 In the Hindu pantheon Hanuman is the King of which creatures Monkeys
11 Which gas discovered in 1898 has a name meaning new Neon
12 Name the national rugby team of Argentina Pumas
13 How many equal angles has a scalene triangle None
14 Mandarin and Peter Pan are which parts of a garment Collars
15 Who is the Egyptian God of the dead Anubis
16 Who played Domino in Never say Never Again Kim Bassinger
17 The Adventure Gallery was whose ship Captain Kidd
18 Alls Well That Ends Well the original title of which classic novel War and Peace
19 Amahl and the Night Visitors was the first opera written for what Television
20 In which sport would you hear the term cleek Golf it’s a wood
21 Frosties Tony the Tiger had a Son Tony Jr and a daughter name Antoinette
22 Who was the last amateur to win US tennis open 1968 Arthur Ashe
23 Name the first British show to air on US autumn prime time The Avengers
24 Who were the first pop stars to appear in Madam Tussaud's The Beatles
25 What gets its name from the Aztec meaning bitter water Chocolate - xocatl
26 Which company launched the first clone of an IBM pc in 1982 Compac
27 Which song won first Oscar when the category was intro 1934 The Continental
28 In MASH name Radars pet mouse Daisy
29 Distinguished Information Cross is whose highest bravery award The CIA
30 Wiley E Coyote chases roadrunner what does the E stand for Ethelbert
31 Which religions name means The way of the Gods Shinto
32 Where can Americans always see the time as 4.10 $100 bill
Independence hall
33 By Olympic rules what must have 14 feathers Badminton Bird
34 February 25th 1990 what was banned in the US Smoking on all
domestic flights
35 Johannes Ostermeir invented which photographic aid Flashbulbs
36 In the US what links Fort McHenry with the moon Flag flies 24/7
president decree
37 In Disney's 1973 animated Robin Hood what creature was Robin A Fox like Marion
38 Saint Louis police department first used it in 1904 - what Fingerprinting
39 Who wrote the novel the Cyborg - Basis of the $6 million man Martin Caidin
40 In which sport would you hear the term shilling Archery measure of
arrows weight
41 What does roulette literally mean Little Wheel
42 Where did you play with Ben, Pauline and Michele Microsoft Windows
Hearts game
43 Who was the first baseball player to have his number (4) retired Lou Gehrig
44 Gobo was the male cousin of which Disney character Bambi
45 Ops was the wife of which Roman God Saturn
46 The Beatles film Help was dedicated to the inventor of what Sewing Machine –
Elias Howe
47 Andrea Hollen was the first woman in US to do what Graduate West Point
48 What was Americas first organised sport Horse Racing in 1664
49 What was John Fitzgerald Kennedy's campaign song in 1960 High Hopes
50 Name Indian chief who rode in Roosevelt's inaugural procession Geronimo

51 Name (in the US) Denis the Menaces cat Hot Dog
52 Where could you find a 1925 humpmobile car Back of a US $10 bill
53 Which is the only middle eastern county without a desert Lebanon
54 Liquid Sunshine was the original slogan of which product Doctor Peppers
55 Who nicknamed his gun Lucrettia Borgia cos it killed everything Buffalo Bill
56 What was the first ABC TV series rated No 1 for full season Marcus Welby M.D.
57 Name the companion of the cartoon character Secret Squirrel Morocco Mole
58 Who was codenamed Napoleon by the secret service Frank Sinatra
59 What is sometimes known as Goober Grease Peanut Butter
60 In which sport would they use the term straight handle Curling - stone sent no
61 What was the first creature put on the endangered species list Peregrine Falcon
62 In what TV series did we meet Perry Masonry Flintstones lawyer
never lost case
63 Ellen Marrenner became more famous as who Susan Hayward
64 What was Hitchcock's first film in colour Rope
65 Whose favourite poodle was called Rufus Winston Churchill
66 What scene is included for good luck in most of Spielberg films A Shooting star
67 Beatles were 1st UK group on Ed Sullivan who was second The Searchers
68 Who were originally The Sons of Daniel Boone The Boy Scouts of
69 Who was the first golfer to officially earn over $1 million a year Curtis Strange
70 Mary Surratt what the first woman to do what in US Be Hanged
71 Whose normal heartbeat is 242 per minute Mr Spock in Star Trek
72 In 1969 who formed tangerine records Ray Charles
73 February 21st 1878 the first what was published in New Haven Telephone Directory
74 Yoon-Mi Kim Olympic gold aged 13 years 83 days what sport Short track
75 The clusec is the unit measuring the power of what Vacuum pumps
76 Three what appear on the Connecticut state flag Grape Vines
77 What do the Germans now celebrate on October 3rd Unity day
78 When are you most likely to see a penumbra During an Eclipse
79 Storm Warning the only film in which this Actress killed who Doris Day
80 In which sport would they use the term crotch ball Handball - ball hitting
floor ceiling
81 What was Disney's first non animated live action film Treasure Island
82 Zaire diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what Elves
83 Who invented the word pandemonium John Milton – capitol
of hell
84 Who is the Greek equivalent of the Roman Jupiter Zeus - chief God
85 Who or what was introduced to the USA in 1964 G I Joe
86 Augusto Pinochet was the ruler of which country Chile
87 Giovidi is what day in Italian Thursday
88 Hank Ballard and the Midnights first released what in 1960 The Twist
89 In church terms what are saucers Domes
90 Where were Panama hats first made Peru
91 What does a kymograph measure Oscillations
92 Name the dark lord in Lord of the Rings Sauron
93 What is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet Iota
94 Schschpiel is what game in Germany Chess
95 The Greek Goddess Ephesus is the Goddess of what Chastity
96 Theophilus Van Kannal invented what in 1888 in Philadelphia Revolving Door
97 Which actor appeared in drag in two Marlene Dietrich films John Wayne
98 Who was the first rock band to perform at NY Opera house The Who
99 What was the name of the cab company in Taxi Sunshine cabs
100 In which sport would you hear the term Intente Jai Alai – Players

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