Sunday, December 15, 2013


Part 18 
a. JKJ
b. HJH
c. IJI
d. JHJ
87. ZA5 Y4B XC6 W3D _____
a. E7V
b. V2E
c. VE5
d. VE7

86. a. This series consists of a simple alphabetical
order with the first two letters of all segments:
B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K. The third
letter of each segment is a repetition of the
first letter.
87. d. There are three series to look for here. The
first letters are alphabetical in reverse: Z, Y,
X, W, V. The second letters are in alphabetical
order, beginning with A. The number
series is as follows: 5, 4, 6, 3, 7.
88. b. Look at each segment. In the first segment,
the arrows are both pointing to the right. In
the second segment, the first arrow is up
and the second is down. The third segment
repeats the first segment. In the fourth segment,
the arrows are up and then down.
Because this is an alternating series, the two
arrows pointing right will be repeated, so
option b is the only possible choice.
89. b. Notice that in each segment, the figures are
all the same shape, but the one in the middle
is larger than the two on either side. Also,
notice that one of the figures is shaded and
that this shading alternates first right and
then left. To continue this pattern in the third
segment, you will look for a square. Choice b
is correct because this choice will put the
large square between the two smaller squares,
with the shading on the right.
90. c. This is an alternating series. In the first segment,
the letter “E” faces right, then down,
then right. In the second segment, the letters
all face down. To follow this pattern, in the
fourth segment, the letters must all face up.

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