Saturday, December 21, 2013

Must Be True and Main Point Question Stem Mini-Drill & Answer Key

Each of the following items contains a question stem from a recent LSAT
question. In the space provided, categorize each stem as either a Must Be True
or Main Point question, and notate any Except (X) identifier you see. Answers
on Page 110
1. Question Stem: “Which one of the following statements is most strongly
supported by the information above?”
Question Type: _______________________________________________
2. Question Stem: “The information above provides the LEAST support for
which one of the following?”
Question Type: _______________________________________________
3. Question Stem: “Which one of the following most logically completes the
Question Type: _______________________________________________
4. Question Stem: “The educators’ reasoning provides grounds for accepting
which one of the following statements?”
Question Type: _______________________________________________
5. Question Stem: “Which one of the following most accurately expresses the
argument’s conclusion?”
Question Type: _______________________________________________
6. Question Stem: “Which one of the following can be inferred from the
passage above?”
Question Type: _______________________________________________

Must Be True and Main Point Question Stem Mini-Drill Answer Key
1. Question Type: Must Be True
Stem drawn from the October 2002 LSAT. In this case, the “most strongly
supported” is used with the intent of proving one of the answers correct. Hence,
this is a Must Be True question.
2. Question Type: Must Be True X
Stem drawn from the September 1998 LSAT. The presence of “LEAST” makes
this an Except question and the presence of the phrase “support for which one
of the following” adds the Must Be True element. The four incorrect answer
choices Must Be True; the correct answer choice is not necessarily true.
3. Question Type: Main Point-FITB
Stem drawn from the October 2002 LSAT. This is the question stem for a Fill in
the Blank (FITB) question , which asks you to identify the Main Point of the
4. Question Type: Must Be True
Stem drawn from the October 2002 LSAT. “Accepting which one of the
following statements” is identical to asking you to find the answer that is proven
by the information in the stimulus. Hence, this is a Must Be True question.
5. Question Type: Main Point
Stem drawn from the June 2003 LSAT. In asking for the argument’s conclusion,
the stem asks you to identify the Main Point of the argument.
6. Question Type: Must Be True
Stem drawn from the June 2000 LSAT. The word “inferred” means must be
true. Hence, this is a Must Be True question.

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