Wednesday, December 11, 2013

D Unit Exam General Knowledge

No Questions Quiz 1
1 What would you do if someone gave you a Twank Drink it - it's tea
2 What is the subject of the reference book Janes Militaria – Ships
Planes Guns etc
3 Which spice comes in hands Ginger
4 What would you expect to see at Santa Pod Drag Racing
5 What does a hypodermic literally mean Under skin
6 What was Peter Blake a pop art designers most famous work Beatles Sergeant
Peppers cover
7 In which 1960 film did Elvis Presley play a mixed race character Flaming Star
8 What profession had Lemual Gulliver when he was shipwrecked Ships surgeon
9 Who is supposed to be buried under Kings Cross station Boadicea
10 In the Bible what was an adamant Diamond
11 Thomas Caneery writer Schlinders Ark comes from what country Australia
12 Which Roman Emperor made Sunday a religious holiday Constantine
13 If you have polythelia what have you got Three nipples
14 Orthoepy is the study of what Word pronunciation
15 Which Saints day is the 23rd April Saint George of
16 Which modern artist created the Mother and Child Divided Damien Hurst
17 What Shakespeare character ends saying The rest is Silence Hamlet
18 Name John Huston's last film The Dead
19 Who was the father of Icarus Daedalus
20 In the Old Testament what is the first book of Moses Genesis - first 5 all
Moses books
21 Lucy Hobbs Taylor 1867 first woman in the US to do what Become a registered
22 What is the correct name for a castrated pig Barrow
23 What is the literal meaning of the title Viceroy In place of the King
24 Dover is the State Capitol of which US state Delaware
25 Where would you find Giacomo Marconi airport Bologna
26 In the Northern hemisphere its Jan 1st South Aug 1st what is Racehorse official
27 What word describes one tenth of a nautical mile Cable
28 What does the Latin phrase Ex Mores mean According to Custom
29 What does a sacerdotal person study for The priesthood
30 In the Bible John the Baptist lived on wild honey and what Locusts
31 Who wrote the Paris and Prague symphonies Mozart
32 Men are ten times more likely than women to have what Colour Blindness
33 Bond, Cotton Fabric and Tablet are types of what Paper
34 What mythical beast is a cross between a lion and an eagle Griffin
35 Melita in the Bible where Paul was shipwrecked is where today Malta
36 The Zoastrian religion began in what country Persia or Iran
37 Hydra Gyrum was the Latin name for which element Mercury - Hg
38 Crystallite is used in what sport Snooker - Pool balls
made from it
39 The half wit Smike appears in which Dickens novel Nicholas Nickleby
40 Contralto and Soprano are female voices what comes between Mezzo - soprano
41 In North Africa a mouflon is a wild what Sheep
42 What name's given to a number that exactly divides into another Factor or Divisor
43 Who wrote the book The Amazing Mr Ripley Patricia Highsmith
44 Who dictated the Koran to Mohamed The Angel Gabriel
45 Ancient Rome / Greece what Temple was dedicated to all Gods Pantheon
46 What US State flag has a UK Union Flag on it Hawaii
47 In the Old Testament whose name means Gods with us Emanuel
48 What does an anthrophage practice Cannibalism
49 Who is the Greek Goddess of witchcraft and black magic Hecate
50 Grande and Chico are versions of what Spanish activity Flamenco dancing

51 What is a Bodhran used in Ireland Irish Drum over a
52 Petilent wine is what Slightly sparkling
53 What did Trevor Baylis invent Clockwork Radio
54 In Medieval China children up to 7 years old would do what Breastfeed
55 In 1500 BC Egyptian women had to be what to be beautiful Bald
56 The average American does what for 52 minutes a day Read a Newspaper
57 Who was the Christian missionary portrayed in Chariots of Fire Eric Liddle
58 What are silver coins made from Copper Nickel
59 What State was founded in 1948 Israel
60 Where, apart from the wild, would you find bulls bears and stags Stock Exchanges
61 What is the SI base unit of electrical current Amperes
62 Bell View in Manchester built in 1928 was Britain's first what Greyhound Stadium
63 Anthesis means what in relation to plants In Flower - blooming
64 What children's character lived at Scatterbrook farm Worzel Gummage
65 In Christian tradition what Saint is the Virgin Mary's mother Saint Ann
66 The filbert is an alternative name for which nut Hazelnut
67 Superstition if a woman sees a robin Valentines day marry who Sailor
68 Ann Franklin in 1792 was the first woman to do what Newspaper Editor in
Newport USA
69 In dry measure 8 quarts are a what Peck
70 March April and May are the only months that have what Anagrams Charm
Ripal Yam
71 What has 32 panels and 642 stitches A football (soccer)
72 Thomas Sullivan in New York in 1908 introduced what The Tea Bag
73 The Russians used what to cure piles Potato suppositories
74 If you have Acute hasopharyngitis what's wrong You got a cold
75 In 1927 what ceased to be a weapon in the British Army The Lance
76 Who was the only Apostle to die a natural death Saint John
77 What was banned in China in 1911 as a sign of feudalism The Pigtail
78 An 18th century law in Britain banned the poor from having what Gin - they were too
79 Oil is the most traded product in the world what is the second Coffee
80 It is illegal to take picture of who in Zambia Pygmies
81 What is the active ingredient in Chinese birds nest soup Bird Spit
82 What animals evidence is admissible in US courts A Bloodhound
83 What is the most popular participation sport in Britain Darts
84 In Britain what are Sing Tao and Weng Wei Po Chinese Newspapers
85 Which Grand Prix driver was also a champion claw pigeon shot Jackie Stewart UK
clay 5 times
86 Ambrosia the food of the Gods from the Greek Ambroata means Immortal
87 Psyscrophillia is sexual arousal by what Cold
88 What company developed the dot matrix printer for 64 Olympics Seiko
89 What is measured with an ombrometer Rainfall
90 Who set a world water speed record over 70 mph at age 72 Alexander Graham
91 Eidology is the search for what Existence of Ghosts
92 What star only began singing when she broke her leg Doris Day was a
93 What is Foghorn Leghorn's favourite song Camptown Races
94 Rodin's The Thinker is really a portrait of what Italian poet Dante
95 Grace Robin was the first model - to model what in 1930 Contact Lenses
96 What game has only 7 possible opening moves Draughts - Checkers
97 Who owned the dog called Peritus Alexander the Great
98 In cookery what happens to food served farci It's stuffed
99 An orchidectomy involves what procedure Removal of testicle
100 Queen Victoria in 1837 was the first English monarch to do what Live in Buckingham

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