Wednesday, December 11, 2013

General Knowledge in English

Part 10
1 What popular party drink gets its name from Sanskrit meaning 5 Punch - originally 5
2 London link Prince Edward's, Prince of Wales, Her Majesty's Theatres
3 Which country borders Russia Sweden and Norway Finland
4 What type of creature is an Orb Weaver Spider
5 Whose autobiography was called Tall Dark and Gruesome Christopher Lee
6 In publishing what is the verso Left page - Recto right
7 The British Raj in India lasted 90 years what's it literally mean Rule
8 What ancient Roman buildings name means Place for a Giant Coliseum
9 What links Ciampino, Lod and Waalhaven Airports Rome Tel
Aviv Rotterdam
10 John Tenniel drew the illustrations for what famous book Alice in Wonderland
11 Only two north American Indian tribes with 3 letters Wea and what Fox
12 Collective nouns - A Congregation of what Plovers
13 Admiral Horatio Nelson lost his arm at which battle Tenerife
14 In WW2 what was the British equivalent of the German E-Boat MTB or Motor
Torpedo Boat
15 International car registration letters what country is RA Argentina
16 Of what are Bristol, Rockingham, Chelsea, and Minton types Pottery Porcelain
17 Who is known as The father of English poetry - 1340 - 1400 Geoffrey Chaucer
18 According to the traditional rhyme what's the fate of Wed. child Full of Woe
19 What are or were Tester, Royal, Mark and Noble Old English coins
20 Bistre, Sorrel and Vandyke are shades of which colour Brown
21 If you were watching cricket at The Outer in which city are you Melbourne Australia
22 You have a foursome and a shag what have you done Dance they are types
of dance
23 What peoples name literally translates as ordinary Maori
24 What are the Anatolian, Atacama, Nafud and Zirreh Deserts
25 Sam Weller was whose servant in a Dickens book Samuel Pickwick
26 Dandy Dinmont, Bedlington, Sealyham are what types of dog Terriers
27 What is extracted from the ore caserite Tin
28 John Palmer is buried in York what better known name Dick Turpin
29 The Carmelite monks have what more common name Whitefriers
30 In what sport does a player win when they get 15 points Badminton
31 American Football - where do the Lions play at home Detroit
32 In England what links Arden, Dean, Kielder and New Forests
33 In what country would you be rich in Leu Rumanian currency
34 Messidor, Thermidor and Fructidor were what in 1789 (JJA) French revolutionary
calendar months
35 What fruit can be Red Black or White Currants
36 In fashion correspondent and bar are types of what item Shoe
37 Artemis is Greek Goddess of what - only one among all Gods Virginity and Chastity
38 25% of the adult male population of the UK are what Over 6 feet tall
39 Churchill, Iroquois, Owen and Smiths are all what Waterfalls
40 A company called Symbol owns patent to what common item Bar Code
41 What can you find on California's Mount Cook Hollywood sign
42 Fescue, Foxtail, Ruppia and Quitch are types of what Grass
43 In the twelve labours of Hercules what did he do third Capture Arcadian Stag
44 In Heraldry what symbol is a lymphad Ship with oars
45 What job links Paul Clifford, Claude Duval, Capt. Macheath Highwayman
46 Whose cases were Empty House Copper Beeches Black Peter Sherlock Holmes
47 Which King is known as The Suicide King King of Hearts Sword
through head
48 In Costa Rica and El Salvador you spend what Colons
49 In the Christmas song your true love gave you give eight what Maids a Milking
50 Name the Capital of the Ukraine Kiev

51 What was the name of the dog in Peter Pan Nana
52 UK football Derby County home the Baseball Ground nickname Rams
53 Every 12 seconds in USA someone does what in a Holiday Inn Steals a towel
54 Who rode a horse called Lamri King Arthur
55 Which stringed instrument is blown to produce sound Aeolian Harp
56 Bear, Bird, Goat, Eagle, Swan and Rabbit what links in Ireland All Islands
57 Hera in Greece Juno in Rome Goddesses of what Childbirth
58 In Japan what is an obi A wide Sash worn like
a belt
59 Honi soit qui mal y pence is the motto of what organisation Order of the Garter
60 What is unusual about The lake of Monteith in Scotland Only one the rest are
61 Which tree is sacred to Apollo (Daphne changed into one) Laurel
62 Who wrote The Dong with the Luminous Nose and The Jumblies Edward Lear
63 What are Blur Crow, Brimstone, Owl and Ringlet types of Butterflies
64 The liquor Curacao is flavoured with what Orange
65 In French legend who is the lover of Abelard Heloise
66 If a male ass is a Jackass what is a female called Jenny
67 What are Luster, Moreen, Mungo and Nankeen types of Material or fabric
68 In George Orwell's Animal Farm what type of animal was Muriel The Goat
69 In London what links Lambeth, St James and Westminster All Palaces
70 What does an icthyophage do Eats Fish
71 Oswestry founded in 1407 is Britain's oldest what Public School Eton
1440 next
72 In mythology who married the beautiful maid Galatea King Pygmalion
Aphrodite life
73 In Bradshaws you would find information about what Railways
74 The Romans called it Mamcunium what is this English city Manchester
75 Shakespeare wrote Cruel only to be kind in what play Hamlet
76 Traditional 7 Seas N S Atlantic N S Pacific Arctic Antarctic ? Indian
77 Launfal, Pelleas and Tristram were part of what group Knights of the Round
78 Who wrote the humorous books on One Upmanship Steven Potter
79 Greek Roman Apollo Babylonian Marduk Indian Vishnu gods ? Healing
80 Which English King rode a horse called White Surrey Richard III
81 Billycock, Wideawake, Gibus and Mitre all types of what Hat
82 Quilp (A Dwarf) is a character in which Dickens novel The Old Curiosity
83 What word can be added to Fae, Fen, Bil, Goose to make fruit Berry
84 Caracul, Dorset, Urial, Mufflon and Jacobs are types of what Sheep
85 What are Strength, Chariot and Hermit Tarot Cards
86 Belly, Block, Blout, Nut, Rib and waist are all parts of what A Violin
87 Mauna Loa, Paricutin, Surtsey and Susya are all what Volcanoes
88 Which countries leader was an extra in Hollywood Fidel Castro
89 BOZ was the penname if which writer Charles Dickens
90 What bird is sometimes called the Yaffle Woodpecker
91 What organisation is known as the Society of Friends Quakers
92 Balein, Boops, Fin, Grampus and Pothead are types of what Whale
93 The Ten Commandments what was number four Keep the Sabbath holy
94 Who wrote the play Androcles and the Lion George Bernard Shaw
95 What country was ruled by the Schleswig-Holstein dynasty Greece
96 In France what take place at Auteuil, Saint-Cloud and Chantilly Horse Racing – they
are courses
97 A Tiercel is the correct name for a male what Hawk or Falcon
98 An algophile loves what Pain
99 Who is the Roman Goddess of invention and wisdom Minerva
100 What would you do with a celesta Play it – percussion

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