Wednesday, December 11, 2013

General Knowledge in English

Part 9
1 Who was Douglas Elton Ullman better known as Douglas Fairbanks
2 In what does a steganographer write messages Invisible ink
3 Charles Duff wrote the macabre Handbook of what Hanging
4 In The Dukes of Hazard who was the sheriff Roscoe P Coltrane
5 What would you do with a hecklephone Play it - type of
6 In the famous song my true love sent me nine what Drummers drumming
7 Richard Arkwright invented the Spinning Jenny what job had he Barber
8 What is or was a Portuguese moidore A Gold Coin
9 A husband and wife won gold medals 1952 Olympics who Emile Dana Zatopek
marathon javelin
10 Collective nouns - A Desert of what Lapwings
11 Which writer created the detective Lord Peter Wimsey Dorethy L Sayers
12 On the same subject who eventually married Lord Peter Wimsey Harriot Vane
13 What is rayon made from Wood pulp
14 Yorick in Shakespeare's Hamlet had what job (when alive) Jester
15 Sir Eyre Massey Shaw hold what Olympic record from 1900 Oldest gold yachting
he was 70
16 What is the worlds third largest island Borneo
17 Corporals Henshaw and Barbella report to which sergeant Sergeant Bilko
18 The word electricity comes from the Greek word for what Amber
19 Name the Motown star shot and killed by his father in 1984 Marvin Gaye
20 Collective nouns - A Fall of what Woodcocks
21 Leslie Hornby became more famous as who Twiggy
22 September should be seventh month by name why is it ninth Its 7th year used to
start in March
23 When introduced they were pockets for men only - what were Handbags
24 What are or were The Adena, Cayuga, Haida and Nootka North American
native Indian tribes
25 In traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the twelfth Silk
26 What are Grenadier, Idared and Ellison's Orange types of Apples
27 Who fought at the battles of Bastia, Calvi and Toulon Horatio Nelson
28 A numismatist collects coins and what else Medals
29 Where could you spend a Kyat Burma
30 In what series of stories did Inspector Lestrade appear Sherlock Holmes
31 Name the home city of the US football team nicknamed Falcons Atlanta
32 What Gilbert & Sullivan operetta subtitled The Peer and the Peri Iolanthe
33 Hymen in Greek Genius in Roman Gods of what Fertility and Marriage
34 What can come in types Blue, Spear, Couch and Arrow Grass
35 Bees live in a hive what do seals live in A Rookery
36 Hercules performed twelve labours what was number seven Capture of the Cretan
37 A philomath has a love of what Learning
38 A young what can be called a Boyet, Eyas or Nyas Hawk
39 What trade did Bonito, Calico Jack, and Dick Hatteraick follow Pirates
40 What takes place at Montlhery France and Zandvoort Holland Motor car racing
41 What is the literal meaning of the Spanish word tapas (snacks) Cover or covers
42 The martial art tai quon do translates literally as what Kick Art Way
43 Wings of Desire a foreign film remade as what with Nicolas Cage City of Angels
44 Scooby Do is what breed of dog Great Dane
45 Which book of The Bible is also a title of a Bob Marley album Exodus
46 The Romans called it Eboracum name this English city York
47 Who wrote "To err is human to forgive divine" Alexander Pope essay
on criticism
48 In England what can be private, public or approved Schools
49 In what traditional entertainment does the dog Toby appear Punch and Judy
50 Where could you spend a Sol Peru

51 What UK football team nick The Glaziers play at Selhurst Park Crystal Palace
52 Thanatos in Greek Mors in Roman Gods of what Death
53 Robin, Rugby and Simple appear in which Shakespeare play The Merry Wives of
54 Where would you find A Pope Empress Hermit and Juggler They are Tarot Cards
55 In traditional anniversaries what is given for the thirtieth Pearl
56 Apart from a brand name what is a Reebok An Antelope
57 Jason sailed in the Argo but who steered the ship Argus
58 What are pink, pram, snow, koff, buss, bark and dory types of Boats or other water
59 What was Boucan that gave Buccaneers their name Dried meat
60 Dacca is the capital of which country Bangladesh
61 What links a Gig, Spider and Phaeton Horse drawn carriages
62 What's parts include barbican, oilette and donjon A Castle
63 In London what are The Cavalry, Marlborough and Savile Private Members
64 What does a phillumenist collect Matchbox labels
65 Electric, Perse and smalt shades of which colour Blue
66 What links Sword, Square, Floral and Barn Types of Dance
67 What is a Kerry Blue Dog type of Terrier
68 In Heraldry what is a canton A Corner
69 What links the trees Bodhi, Peepul and Ailento They are all sacred to
70 Which fictional character lived at Montague street before moving Sherlock Holmes
71 Chronos in Greek Saturnus in Roman Gods of what The Harvest
72 A Grice is a young what Wild Boar
73 International registration letters what country is ZR Zaire
74 There are only two three letter herbs Rue is one what's the other Bay
75 In mythology who rode an eight legged horse called Sleipner Odin
76 Parr, Smolt and Grilse different names same thing what Salmon - life stages
77 Name the raven in George Orwell's Animal Farm Moses
78 All US Presidents were Federalists Republicans Democrats or what Whigs 1841 - 45 1850
- 53
79 Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Eli and Isaiah were all what in The Bible Prophets
80 What family were the last ruling house of Italy Savoy
81 Where would you find a Bonnet, Course, Dabbler and Driver Ship they are sails
82 Who said Tis better to have loved and lost etc Alfred Lord Tennyson
In Memoriam
83 What Gilbert & Sullivan operetta was subtitled Bunthorns Bride Patience
84 Which poet wrote A thing of beauty is a joy forever in Endymion Keats
85 Copeland, Mason, Dux and Bow all types of what Pottery
86 In Greek mythology who was Queen of the underworld Persephone
87 Which writer created Tabitha Twitchet, Babbity Bumble, Mr Tod Beatrix Potter
88 What links Bass, Messina, Hormuz and Torres Straits of water
89 What does a philologist study Languages
90 Which authors first (unsuccessful) book was Inland Voyage Robert Louis
91 Details of what can be found in The Blue Book US Aristocracy
92 Backfall, diapason, pallet, gamba, sticker all parts of what Pipe Organ
93 Oedipus married his mother - who was she Jocasta
94 In Heraldry if things are accosted what position are they in Side by Side
95 Pintado, Pochard, Scaup, Scoter and Smee types of what Ducks
96 Name Shakespeare play Ariel, Miranda and Prospero appear The Tempest
97 Xanthic, Fallow and Aureate shades of which colour Yellow
98 Brickbat, Pecorino, Mycella and Tilsiter all types of what Cheese
99 What is the capital of Panama Panama
100 Name both the Greek and Roman God of Prophecy and Plagues Apollo

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