Wednesday, December 11, 2013

General Knowledge in English

Part 8
1 Which game begins when the referee shouts draw Lacrosse
2 What is litmus derived from Lichens
3 Hydrosis is the medical term for what Sweating
4 Misogamy is a dislike or hatred of what Marriage
5 What car has been voted European car of the Century Mini
6 In India what is a khidmutgar A Waiter
7 Who sang about Saturday Night at the Movies The Drifters
8 Who owned the sword Joyeuse Charlemagne
9 It was finally abolished in Britain in 1948 - what was Flogging
10 Beethoven's sixth symphony is known as what The Pastoral
11 Which English King had the most legitimate children (18) Edward I
12 The windhover is an alternative name for which bird Kestrel
13 Where is the US masters golf tournament always played Augusta Georgia
14 Santa Cruz airport serves which city Bombay
15 Silver hallmarks - what object is stamped on Birmingham items Anchor
16 Graham Hill won 1968 world championship in which make of car Lotus
17 Opaque 2 is a modern variety of which cereal crop Maize
18 Who was the first tennis player to achieve the grand slam Donald Budge
19 What are padmasana sirsasana and savasana Yoga Positions
20 What is strange about the Golden Queen holly It is male Golden
King is female
21 What is the last book of the Old Testament Malachi
22 Queen Mary II died at age 32 what killed her Smallpox
23 What metal is used in galvanizing Zinc
24 A 25 to 31 mph wind on the Beaufort scale is called what Strong Breeze
25 The false plane tree is better known as what The Sycamore
26 Baptista is Katherine's father in which Shakespeare play The Taming of the
27 Lepidoptera (from the Greek) literally means what Scaly Winged
28 In what sport might you see a stem-christie Skiing
29 Why a camel haired brushes (made from squirrel) called camel Invented by Mr Camel
30 What common item has 32 points The compass
31 In 1823 the British army soldiers were first issued with what Trousers
32 Who was the first American to win a Nobel prize Theodore Roosevelt
33 In Shakespeare Hamlet who is Ophelia's brother Laertes
34 What is the worlds largest airline Aeroflot
35 What is the brightest star always in the Northern sky Vega
36 24% of British men have no what Real teeth
37 Most people associate the colour green with which flavour Mint
38 Mendelssohn's Wedding March comes from which work A Midsummer Nights
39 Whose autobiography was "Can you tell what it is yet" Rolf Harris
40 What did Joseph Gayetty invent in 1857 Toilet Rolls
41 The Andaman Islands are in which bay The Bay of Bengal
42 What colour are lobsters Dark Blue/green pink
when cooked
43 What does per capita literally mean Per Head
44 J G Galle discovered it in 1846 - discovered what The planet Neptune
45 Silent movie star Ben Turpin insured his what for $500000 His Squint
46 What does a potometer measure Water intake
47 What was Winston Churchill's favourite participation sport Polo
48 The average person eats 800 in their lifetime 800 what Chickens
49 What is the central part of a backgammon board called The Bar
50 King Henry VIII trained as what A Priest

51 What sports name translates as Little Game of War Lacrosse
52 What are Claymore, Thistle and Piper North Sea Oil Fields
53 What colour tranquillisers work best Yellow
54 In what city did 8 year old Mozart compose his first symphony London
55 In Yiddish what is your Pupik Belly Button
56 Who was Ben Hurs rival in the great chariot race Messala
57 Britain's Frankie Wainman was world champion 1979 what sport Stock Car Racing
58 John McEnroe won Wimbledon doubles with what partner Peter Fleming
59 Pride, Avarice, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust what's missing Wrath
60 On average it rains 4 days a week in what European capital Amsterdam or
Brussels wettest
61 What country used the ringgit as currency Malaysia
62 What's the name of the Bar Restaurant in the TV show Quincy Danny's
63 In what Dickens novel does Alfred Jingle appear The Pickwick Papers
64 Ajax was the trade mark of the worlds first what Flush lavatory
65 What brass instrument is thought to be the most difficult to play The French Horn
66 SF are the international car registration letters for which country Finland
67 Jacques Garnerin made the first in 1797 the first what Parachute Jump
68 The British army used to wear puttees - what's it literally mean Bandages from Hindu
69 The orchestra usually tunes up to what instrument Oboe
70 What is the most frequent cause of business errors Illegible handwriting
71 Which magical city is located in the Valley of the Blue Moon Shangri-La James
Hilton Lost Horizon
72 In which European city is the Arch of Titus Rome
73 Frank Oz was the voice of who Miss Piggy in the
74 On a standard rainbow what colour is on the inside of the curve Violet
75 What musical term means playing with each note detached Staccato
76 What animal stands for the longest period African Elephant over
50 years
77 In what country did the word plonk meaning wine originate Australia
78 Alfred Packer in the USA was convicted of what strange crime Cannibalism
79 Captain Flint buried his treasure where ( Ben Gunn dug it up ) Skeleton Island
80 Who composed a symphony nicknamed The Hen Joseph Hayden
81 In the Solar system there are 2 Mount Olympus's Greece and where Mars
82 Saint Lidwina is the Patron Saint of who Skaters
83 Who would use a caret Printer it’s an
insertion mark
84 Who was the first woman to win 4 consecutive US tennis open Chris Evert Lloyd
85 What is the lowest title handed down from father to son Baronet
86 What is Britain's largest carnivorous animal Badger
87 How many women know the formula of Coca Cola None - not allowed
88 Schubert's fourth symphony is nicknamed the what Tragic
89 What are Portland Vases made from Glass
90 Where could you have a kip - then spend it Laos its currency
91 What is a corduroy road made from Logs laid down on
swampy ground
92 In 18th century England what was known as Old Tom Gin
93 In Goldfinger name the actress painted gold Shirley Eaton
94 In 1949 what was introduced to cars for the first time The Ignition key
95 Who was the father of Alexander the Great Philip II of Macedon
96 The Italian Chianina is recognises as being the oldest what Breed of Cattle
97 Which country makes the most films per year India
98 In what Puccini opera does Scarpia appear Tosca
99 Who wrote Travels with a Donkey on his honeymoon Robert Louis
100 The araucaria has what more common name The Monkey Puzzle

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