Wednesday, December 11, 2013

General Knowledge in English

Part 2
1 In Globe Arizona it's illegal to play cards in the street with who American Indian
2 What is the most common mammal in the UK Brown Rat
3 Name the second most commonly spoken language in Australia Italian
4 Which athletic event requires five judges Triple Jump
5 Victoria is the only Australian state without what Letter S in name
6 What TV show was set in Wentworth Detention Centre Prisoner Cell Block H
7 In the rhyme about magpies what do 5 represent Silver
8 Who voiced Mr Spock in the cartoon version of Star Trek Leonard Nimoy
9 Europhobia is the fear of what Female Genitals
10 In Maryland it's illegal play what Randy Newman song on radio Short People
11 In Greek mythology who was the first woman Pandora
12 Which timepiece has the most moving parts Egg timer
13 What is the official language of Egypt Arabic
14 Which literary character lives at 4 Privet Road Harry Potter
15 Rio's Maracarria stadium has what unusual feature A Moat
16 What natural phenomenon can never be seen at noon Rainbow - sun must
be 40 deg or less
17 In Elizabethan England rich people carried their own folding what Spoons to Banquets
18 In ancient China what was hung outside a bad doctors house Lantern for each dead
19 In the Balanta tribe women stayed married until what happened Wedding dress wore
20 In Massachusetts it's illegal to wear what without a licence Goatee
21 Suzy was a star of a 60s TV show what character did she play Flipper the dolphin
22 The average child wears out 730 by age ten 730 what Crayons
23 In a survey what food did Americans say they hated most Tofu
24 What vegetable was Emperor Nero's favourite The Leek
25 What nation invented the toilet seat Egyptian
26 Virginia Woolf always did it standing up - did what Wrote her books
27 Mount Teide is the highest mountain in which country Spain it's on Tenerife
28 In what film did the character Regan McNeil appear The Exorcist
29 Who rejected the 1964 Nobel prize for literature Jean Paul Sarte
30 In Alaska it's legal to shoot bears but illegal to do what Wake up for photo
31 George Jung of Los Angeles in 1916 invented what Fortune Cookies
32 John Paul Getty, world's richest man had what in his house A Payphone
33 What was unusual about the drawings of artist Cesar Ducornet Drawn with feet – he
had no arms
34 Who was the only English King crowned on the battlefield Henry VII
35 In 1901 Dr Dausand demonstrated what that never caught on Silent Cinema – for
the blind
36 In some areas of Paris what is provided for dogs Private flush toilets
37 What countries brides get the most diamond engagement rings Canada
38 What area in the US translates from the Dutch as Broken Valley Brooklyn
39 In ancient Egypt men and women did what opposite to today Peeing - men sat
women stood
40 In Youngstown Ohio it's illegal to run out of what Gas or petrol
41 Who links a western gambler and a private eye James Garner
Maverick Rockfort
42 How did Bunito Mussolini ward off the evil eye Touch his testicles
43 Both sexes get them but men more often - get what Hiccups
44 Who would use an orange stick Manicurist
45 Jacob German in 1899 got the worlds first what in New York Speeding Ticket – 12
46 Mary Somerville said "It wont last, a flash in the pan" what Television
47 China 300 bc you could not speak to the Emperor without what Clove in your mouth
48 In what US city do they watch the most TV evangelists per cap Washington DC
49 Egyptian embalmers replaced the bodies eyes with what Onions
50 According to a 1997 survey what nation are the best kissers Italian

51 In South Dakota it's illegal to fall down and sleep where Cheese Factory
52 Who was the last living person on a US postal stamp Nobody it's illegal
53 What is the main ingredient in a Navarin stew Mutton or Lamb
54 What elements name comes from the Greek word for violet Iodine
55 VH is the international aircraft registration for which country Australia
56 Phyllophobia is the fear of what Leaves
57 What is a cachalot A Sperm Whale
58 What would the ancient Greeks do with an Apodesm Wear it type of bra
59 What is an onychophagist A nail biter
60 In Auburn Washington men can get five years for doing what Deflowering Virgins
61 Where in Canada is its Dildo Newfoundland Town
62 Topo in Italian Fare in Turkish what in English Mouse
63 Who did Babe the pig work for Farmer Hoggett
64 What sexually arouses a Jactitator Bragging about sex
65 Nebkheperura was his first name what do we call him today Tutankamen
66 What creature gets its name from the Greek word for womb Dolphin from Delphis
67 In 1885 Canada sold what to US for $150000 Niagara Falls
68 By what more common name do we know Major Boothroyd Q in the Bond films
69 Woman's are faster than men's, they usually have more - what Heartbeats
70 In Illinois you can get three years for eavesdropping on who Your conversation
71 What modern word comes from the Latin Dilatare - open wide Dildo
72 West Indian cricketer Laurence Rowe gave up 1976 mid test why Allergic to Grass
73 What do the EPPY awards honour Electronic editions of
74 The electric light first available product what's second Electric Oven
75 What's the only city today split in two by a wall Nicosia Cyprus
76 What's the only movie Alfred Hitchcock make twice The man who knew
too much
77 What is the Latin word for poison Virus
78 Orienteering began in which country Sweden
79 What would you expect in a Japanese No Pan Kissa restaurant Mirror floor
knickerless women
80 In Massachusetts what's illegal unless bedroom window locked Snoring
81 The Emperors cup is awarded in what sport Sumo wrestling
82 What famous film maker was first to use the close up David Wark Griffith
Birth of a Nation
83 Chinese cooking what's special about Wolfs hearts Dogs lungs Only things not used
84 The 1961 Mercedes 300sx had two firsts name either Gull Wing doors –
fuel injection
85 Who wrote the official biography of Lester Piggott Dick Francis
86 What hotel has been the target of the most take over bids The Ritz - Paris
87 In Russia the national product is called Soldatsky what is it Bread
88 In airline slang what is a 365 Eggs Bacon served
any day or time
89 In what case did Perry Mason make his first appearance The case of the Velvet
90 By law who require a cert. of health before entering Kentucky Bees must have one
91 Romans used a sharp pointed stick to drive cattle Modern word Stimulus
92 Chokan Moyogi Shakan Han Kengai and Kengai styles of what Bonsai - styles
93 Albert Sauvy coined what term in the 1950s The Third World
94 What trio were originally called The Rattlesnakes The Bee Gees
95 The Fields Medal is equal to a Nobel prize in what area Mathematics
96 Novices are called tumblers experienced shiners what job Window Cleaners
97 What is the Hebrew word for adversary Satan
98 What is the capitol of Venezuela Caracas
99 What was unusual about Joe Davis the World Snooker Champ Blind in one eye
100 What's round in London and Paris but Square in New York Underground / metro /
tube tunnels

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