Wednesday, December 11, 2013

General Knowledge in English

Part 3
1 In WW2 what was unique about the US 222 Infantry battalion All Japanese or
Hawaiian immigrants
2 In which 1956 film did Elvis Presley make his debut Love me Tender
3 Lepcha people Tibet consider it proper to pay teachers in what Alcohol is acceptable
4 In medicine what is an Anomaloscope used for Test for colour
5 In the rules of golf what type of bad weather can stop play Only Lightning
6 Name the Indian version of Barbie Monica
7 Name the Egyptian God of funerals Anubis
8 Scrutinise Swirl Sniff Sip - what are you doing Wine Tasting
9 What is the worlds oldest desert - country named after it Namib
10 What magazine says We are Number one in a field of One Mad
11 The band Steely Dan are named after what Slang for Penis
12 Famous book divided into three parts Mosques Caves Temples Passage to India
13 What term was coined July 17th 1942 issue of Yank magazine G I Joe
14 In 1947 it began at Callao Peru ended Tuamotu Island what did Kon Tiki Expedition
15 Polyhexamethyleneadipamide is better known as what Nylon
16 In Greek mythology who built the labyrinth King Daedalus
17 Name Disney's first film to win an Academy Award Flowers and Trees
18 In what sport would you find a Tell Tale Squash - Tin strip ball
can't hit
19 What is the most redesigned appliance in the world Telephone Handset
20 What started in early 1900s to improve sales sports newspaper Tour de France Le
Petite Journal illustre
21 What come in types Transverse Scimitar and Barchan Sand Dunes
22 What is the only counties national flag different both sides Paraguay
23 What is located on Boothia's peninsula in Canada North Magnetic Pole
24 Morbi in Gujarat is where most of the worlds what are made Wall Clocks
25 John McLaughlin made sold McLaughlin's Belfast style – what Canada Dry Ginger
26 Christian Commercial Travellers' Association of America are who Gideons
27 In what sport would you find a Bagel Tennis - Set won 6-0
28 Who turned down the TV role of Doctor Kildare William Shatner
29 Name only sports team to play professionally seven continents Harlem Globetrotters
30 What is the traditional curse of Adam that affects most of us Working for a living
31 "There and back Again" is an alternative title of which novel The Hobbit
32 IBM is Big Blue Coca Cola Big Red who is Big Black United Parcel Service
33 According to the ad At Benneton the smallest garment is a what Condom
34 In the Bible who came from Gath Goliath
35 In Tennis where is the Australian Open played Flinders Park
36 Hemmingway said there's only 3 sports Bullfighting Car Racing ? Mountaineering
37 What traditional Maori insult was seen in the film Braveheart Mooning
38 What links Escalator, Kerosene, YoYo, Zipper and Thermos Names into language
39 Cosmetic brand gets it's name from Latin for as white as snow Nivea
40 What was the first sport to be filmed Boxing by Thomas
Edison 1894
41 In the Tom and Jerry cartoons name the other mouse Nibbles or Tuffy
42 What was the first LP record to sell over 1 million copies Calypso by Harry
43 Facts, Briefs, Destiny and Chance were early names for what Time Magazine
44 If you take a before meal aperitif what's an after meal one called Digestif
45 Methyphobia is the fear of what Alcohol
46 Tribology is the study of what Friction
47 Name Leonard Nimoy's autobiography I am not Spock
48 The Stoner Case was a Sherlock Holmes play - later what story The Speckled Band
49 In Iowa pouring what down a pub drain with cop there is illegal Water it becomes an
illegal alcohol
50 Christobal Colon is better known as who Christopher Columbus

51 What is measured on the Torro scale Tornados
52 Where would you find the Forte and the Foible strong - weak Sword blade – near
hilt and tip
53 President Woodrow Wilson May 6th 1919 first to do what Take out Air accident
54 In Australian slang what is a Coughie Bad Umpiring
55 Satan is Lucifer but what does Lucifer mean The Light Bearer
56 Chapman Root designed it based on a Hoople skirt - what Coca Cola bottle
57 What does a Grabatologist collect Ties
58 Blind, Comb, Fine Line and Harrow are types of what Stamp Perforation
59 The Millennial Dawnists changed their name to what Jehovah's Witnesses
60 The name of this animal translates as ghost what is it The Lemur
61 What country has two AK47 assault rifles on it's flag Mozambique
62 In film who is the alter ego of Daniel Hillard Mrs Doubtfire
63 Who was the female star of Basic Instinct Sharon Stone
64 In computing there are 8 bits to a byte what are 4 bits called Nibble
65 The Arabs call it Al-Maghrib what do we call it Morocco
66 The Vietnamese call it The Brother the Chinese The Friend what Bamboo
67 What is a male camel called Bull
68 Douglas Adams said what is the best spacecraft propellant Bad News - it travels
the fastest
69 William Tell was the best crossbow archer and what else Boatman
70 In what country did tulips originate Persia
71 What is specifically defined as 1/48th of an inch A Hairsbreadth
72 Church bells of Maralnello Ring Sundays Public Hols and when Ferrari team win
73 Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms bans what word in adds Refreshing
74 Name the first British film studio set up in the 1930s Pinewood Studios
75 In Hill Street Blues which character used to bite people Animal - Mick
76 Where would you find a Dry Bible Heart chamber of a
77 Quidnunc means an eager gossip but in Latin literally means What Now
78 In the proverb Heaven protects children sailors and who Drunken men
79 Poenosis is what medical condition Chilblains
80 Who in 1958 was the first British Formula one champion Mike Hawthorne
81 Carom is a form of what sport / game Billiards
82 What Disney film features the song "Give a little Whistle" Pinocchio
83 What was on the B side of the Beatles 1968 "Hey Jude" Revolution
84 What country invented cheesecake Greece
85 Gone to Texas by Forest Carter is the basis for what film The Outlaw Josey
86 Which mammal has the fewest teeth Armadillo - none
87 In WW2 Air corps non flying members given what nickname Kiwis - Non Flying
88 Collective nouns - what's a group of photographers called A Click
89 What event in the Bible occurred at Bethany Raising of Lazarus
90 On a prescription what does QOD stand for Take every other day
91 Thomas and Martha were the parents of which hero Batman
92 In Greek mythology Clio was the muse of what History
93 An IVP is used to detect what medical condition Kidney Stones
94 Don Quixote was the man of La Mancha what's it in English The Stain
95 Who was the first woman to win an Academy Award Janet Gaynor 1929
96 Where do they speak Malagasy Madagascar
97 What is a mud puppy American Salamander
98 You can ski on the piste but what other sport uses the term Fencing where the
fight happens
99 Name Clint Eastwoods first film made in 1955 Francis in the Navy
100 What is the main flavouring in a Greek Tzataili sauce Garlic

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