Wednesday, December 11, 2013

General Knowledge in English

Part 4
1 What links Dr Spock Errol Flynn and Emperor Nero Olympics Rowing
Boxing Chariot
2 In what series of books did The Empress of Blandings appear Jeeves and Wooster
a pig
3 What colour is iridium Steel Grey
4 Who founded ASH ( Action on Smoking and Health ) in 1971 Royal College of
5 What organisation opposes ASH FOREST
6 Who was the 1958 Cha-Cha champion of Hong Kong Bruce Lee
7 Who directed the 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia David Lean
8 In mythology Romulus Remus suckled by a shewolf fed by what Woodpecker
9 In Gustav Holsts Planets suite what planet is missing Pluto not known then
10 If you went on the road to Mandalay what country are you in Miramar or Burma
11 Which cathedral has 4440 statues Milan
12 Tarom Airlines is the national carrier of which country Romania
13 What does an armadillo taste like Pork
14 In what French district do most of the best clarets come from Medoc
15 What was the first complete symphony to be recorded Beethoven's fifth
16 Thomas Minton at Stoke on Trent created what in 1789 The Willow Pattern
17 What European nation was the first to drink tea The Dutch
18 What's the worlds longest rail journey made no train change Moscow Peking
19 What was first built in the Place de Greve in 1792 The Guillotine
20 In what book does Humpty Dumpty first appear Through the looking
21 Who was called The Man of Destiny Napoleon Bonaparte
22 19-19-19 who's vital statistics Olive Oyl
23 Name both families in Soap Tates Campbells
24 Where would you find a gemshorn On an Organ
25 The flower convallaria is better known as what Lily of the Valley
26 In what stage show does Frank N Furter appear The Rocky Horror
Picture Show
27 Who invented the rocking chair Benjamin Franklin
28 Gerald Thomas directed what series of films Carry on Films
29 What did composer Berlioz originally study Medicine
30 Ocean is NOT recognised International Hydrographic Bureau Antarctic Ocean
31 In the Saint series of books what is Inspector Teal's full name Claude Eustace Teal
32 What is the most common Spanish surname Garcia
33 The Slave of Duty is alternate title what G&S operetta Pirates of Penzance
34 Aconite the poison is obtained from what plant Wolf's-bane
35 What culture introduced hats and crackers at Xmas season Ancient Rome
36 Chang 1st Wang 2nd what third most common Chinese name Li
37 What word is derived from the Arabic mawsim meaning season Monsoon
38 What's the other name for the statue of Egyptian god Harmachis The Sphinx
39 The French call it nature morte the Spanish bodegon what is it Still Life painting
40 Oporto in Portugal stands on what river The Duoro
41 What boxer was nicknamed The Boston Strong Boy John L Sullivan
42 Stage role, written for a man, took 80 years to be played by one Peter Pan RSC 1982
43 Sicily is the traditional source of which element Sulphur
44 Name the main horse in Animal Farm Boxer
45 Strabismus is the correct name for what condition A Squint
46 What languages appear on the Rosetta stone Egyptian Greek
47 Who used the pseudonym Ellis Bell Emily Bronte
48 Where were the first glass mirrors made in Europe circa 1300 Venice
49 Who went to school at Hogwarts Harry Potter
50 What was Pierce Brosnan's first James Bond film in 1995 Goldeneye

51 Who won the best actor award for Marty in 1955 Ernest Borgnine
52 Name Helen of Troys husband Menelaus
53 Who hired the Mormon Mafia to prevent contamination Howard Hughs
54 Captain W E Johns invented which hero Biggles
55 The Passion Play is performed every 10 years where Oberammergau
56 What was the theme music to The Exorcist Tubular Bells – Mike
57 Who directed Full Metal Jacket Stanley Kubrick
58 In Judo if the referee calls Sono-mama what does it mean Players must freeze in
59 What mountain overlooks Rio de Janeiro harbour Sugar Loaf
60 What is Romaic The modern Greek
61 In what WW1 battle were tanks first used in 1916 Somme
62 Who are Britain's oldest publisher dating from 1469 Oxford University
63 Who was called The Scourge of God Attila the Hun
64 Victor Barna was world champion five times at what sport Table Tennis
65 What sort of wood was Noah's Ark made from Gopher wood
66 In Yugoslavian Belgrade is called Beograd what does it mean White City
67 Collective nouns - which creatures are a clamour or building Rooks in a rookery
68 First public supply in Britain from river Wey in 1881 what Electricity
69 In what city was Handel's Messiah first performed Dublin
70 Who was the first person to wear a wristwatch Queen Elizabeth 1st
71 What colour is the wax covering Gouda cheese Yellow
72 In Norse mythology who was Odin's wife Frigga
73 Six verified copies of his signature survive - who is he William Shakespeare
74 What city is at the mouth of the Menam river Bangkok
75 In what sport is the Palma Match contested Shooting
76 Which musical stage show ( and film ) uses tunes by Borodin Kismet
77 Ireland and New Zealand are the only countries that lack what Native Snakes
78 In cricket how many times does a full toss bounce None
79 Impressionism comes from painting Impression Sunrise - Artist Claude Monet
80 Name the first self contained home computer - A Commodore Pet
81 What exploded in 1720 The South Sea Bubble
82 Who named a city after his horse Bucephalus Alexander the Great
83 Beethoven's ninth symphony is nicknamed what The Choral
84 In Spain St John Bosco is the Patron Saint of what Cinema
85 In 1928 Simon Bolivar was president 3 countries Bolivia and ? Columbia Peru
86 Who lit the flame 1956 Olympics and then broke 8 world records Ron Clark
87 Ball point pen ink is made from dye and what Castor Oil
88 Hans Lippershey made the worlds first practical what Microscope
89 In Hindu philosophy what does Yoga literally mean Union
90 Which writer rode Devon Loch in the 1956 Grand National Dick Francis
91 George Lazenby played James Bond once in which film On Her Majesty's
Secret Service
92 Who was the founder of Judaism Abraham
93 There must be 15 banked turns on what sporting course Championship
94 What is a Lampyris Noctiluca better known as A Glow-Worm
( European )
95 Greek Myth Clotho spun Lachesis measured Atropos cut what Thread of a mans life
96 Who built The Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas Bugsy Siegel
97 What is the main language of Liechtenstein German
98 Vivaldi's concertos Opus 8 Numbers 1-4 better known as what The four Seasons
99 In Tarka the Otter what was Old Nog A Heron
100 Which sea is sometimes called the Euxine Sea Black Sea

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