Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 1
No Questions Quiz 38 Answers
1 Who is Yogi Bears girlfriend Cindy Bear
2 What fashion designers symbol is a swan Gloria Vanderbilt
3 68% of Americans do what (Trying to be punctual) Set their watches
4 What animal is the mascot of the US Naval Academy Goat
5 Who drives a car licensed 6YZ643 Fred Flintstone
6 Where was volleyball invented France
7 Miso a traditional Japanese cooking ingredient is what Soybean Paste
8 What is mosquitoes main food Nectar from flowers
9 In the Winnie the Pooh books what name is over Poohs door Mr Sanders
10 What is the name of Superman's Supercat Streaky
11 What is the most common name in the Bible Zachariah
12 International dialling codes - where is 672 Antarctica
13 Newspeak - Portable Handheld Communications Transcribers A Pencil
14 Who is Dick Tracey's girlfriend Tess Trueheart
15 What was first man made object to exceed sound barrier Tip of a whip
16 What seven letter word do all Americans pronounce wrongly Wrongly
17 What is the main ingredient of mock turtle soup Calf's Head
18 What would a German do with a Gravenstein Eat it - a yellow apple
19 How many pints will the 27 inch Americas cup hold None - its bottomless
20 Where would you find your purlicue Space between thumb
and finger
21 Who was Barbara Streisands first husband Elliot Gould
22 What is the name of Porky Pigs father Phineas Pig
23 Nathan Burnbaum became famous under what name George Burns
24 In Japan what is Shogi Japanese Chess
25 Who killed his grandfather with a quoit at the Larrisan games Perseus
26 Shaddock is another name for what Grapefruit
27 What was built by the inmates of Changi Prison Camp Burma Railroad
28 In Greek legend what was eaten on the Island of Jerba Lotuses
29 Who was Dr Zhivago’s love Lara
30 In the Modern 1896 Olympics what was the first event decided Triple Jump
31 What was the name of Australia's first girlie magazine in 1936 Men
32 Where did the British Brown Bess musket get its name Thin line of uniform
brown rust
33 Luke wrote two Bible books Luke and what Acts
34 What was the only remake to win the best picture Oscar Ben Hur
35 Soylent Green the band took name from film and book by who Harry Harrison
36 Prescribed as cure Beri Beri it cured scrotal dermatitis - what Marmite
37 Colonel Tom Parker Elvis's manager had what earlier act Dancing Chickens –
on hot plate
38 What large animal has a less than two inch erect penis Gorilla
39 According to 36% of Americans they have done what Spoken with God
40 By Indonesian law what is the penalty for masturbation Decapitation Which
head? :o)
41 By law in Guam who are not allowed to marry Virgins - They pay
men to pop em
42 Lorne Green has only one what (an alligator ate the other) Nipple
43 21% Americans don’t do it every day 5% never do it - what Make their bed
44 Name the country that starts with A but does not end with A Afghanistan
45 Collective nouns - a group of what is a charm Goldfinches
46 Who refused the leading male role in Gone With the Wind Gary Cooper
47 In Florida its illegal for a housewife to do what more 3 times daily Break a dish
48 In America its noise is B flat in England its G what is Buzz of Electric
49 In what US City is most blond hair dye sold Dallas Texas
50 How many sheep are used to produce one angora sweater None Angora
comes from rabbits

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