Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 2
No Questions Quiz 38 Answers
51 What is fumet Concentrated stock
52 85% of American people will eat what this year Spam
53 Manu National Park Peru has 1300 different species of what Butterfly
54 Who is Olive Oyls brother Castor Oyl
55 Montezuma's nephew Cuitlahac name means what Plenty of Excrement
56 What make was the first car with air conditioning Packard
57 In Bristol England an old law says dogs can do what Watch sex in your bed
58 The name of what product - German water Greek olive Oil Vaseline Wasser
59 What killed half the US soldiers in WW1 1918 Flu Epidemic
60 In Denmark what is a Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel A Condom
61 What was the first TV show in colour The Cisco Kid
62 33% of American women lie about what Their Weight
63 What does the word Grizzly mean - as in Grizzly bear Grey - but they are
yellow brown
64 Collective nouns - a Trip of what Goats
65 Wilhelm Steinitz was the world's first what in 1886 Chess Champion
66 Telesphobia is a fear of what Being Last
67 Irish Proverb - If you want to be criticized do what Marry
68 Cher Ami a homing pigeon won the DSC and had what item A Wooden Leg
69 Who are the Diascuri Castor and Pollux
70 Nichole Dunsdon was the last what in October 1992 Miss Canada
71 Emperor Claudius passed a law legalising what at banquets Farting - for public
72 President Andrew Jackson's funeral 1845 who removed swearing His Pet Parrot
73 There are more the 38000 types of what Mushrooms
74 What country has the most bookshops per head population New Zealand
75 Chase and Sandborn first sold what in tins in the US Coffee
76 What is the opposite of Plenum Vacuum
77 Strontium 90 was the original name of which band The Police
78 In Massachusetts it is illegal to duel with what Water Pistols
79 Charles Jung invented what in America Fortune Cookies
80 Whose last published novel was Murder from the Past Agatha Christie
81 A Queef is the name for what Fanny Fart
82 If an Australian had a Bingle what would it be Car Accident
83 Who declined a Pulitzer Prize for his book Arrowsmith Sinclair Lewis
84 Lotta and Vassar were the first two brands of what Wrigley's Gum
85 The Jelbukk is a Swedish Xmas decoration - what is it Straw Goat
86 Where is David Livingstone Buried (Two Places / countries) Westminster Abby /
87 Sunglasses were invented in China to do what Hide a Judges eyes
88 The Italian Date is a common name of what fruit Tamarind
89 Graham Kerr became famous under what nickname Galloping Gourmet
90 What was the name of the last silent movie made 1929 The Four Feathers
91 What US President said I Promise instead of I swear inaugurate Richard M Nixon
92 What is banned by law in Japanese restaurants Tipping
93 What is measured in Scroville Units Heat of Chillies
94 If an Australian had trouble with his donk who would he call on Mechanic - Donks an
95 In Kentucky a man cannot purchase what without his wife A Hat
96 What country issued a banana shaped stamp Tonga
97 Who was the first male to appear on the cover of playboy Peter Sellers
98 What colour are an American porcupines teeth Orange
99 8% of people in the world have an extra what Rib
100 Leader of the Iroquois Indians same name as what car Chief Pontiac

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