Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 1
No Questions Quiz 39 Answers
1 If you were drinking castle beer in what country would you be South Africa
2 President Hayes 1878 started which annual White house event Easter Egg Roll
3 Issac and Willian Fuld invented and patented what in 1892 Oiuja Board French
German Oui Ya
4 What product only sold 1200 bottles in its first year Liquid Paper - Tippex
5 German kids wear what round neck for good luck on New Year Pretzels
6 If an Aussie called you a Bananabender what would he mean You were from
Queensland state
7 What is the closest living relative to the T Rex The Chicken
8 Who was the Roman Goddess of the land Terra
9 Mao Muka Neko Pisica are what Chinese Gypsy Japan Rumania Cats 4 languages
10 Bonnie Booth (38) used what to remove a corn from her foot 410 shotgun – after
razor hurt
11 In Michigan it is illegal to put what on your bosses desk A Skunk
12 1949 Popular Mechanics said that future ones less 1.5 tons? Computers
13 Who said "Iv'e never had an accident worth talking about" Captain E J Smith of
the Titanic
14 What is Joeys favourite food in Friends Sandwiches
15 Where was the worlds first oil well drilled Pennsylvania
16 In any given 6 month period 40% of Americans are what Affected by mental
17 Who said "A Single death is a tragedy a million a statistic" Joseph Stalin
18 A Weaner is a baby what Elephant Seal
19 Collective nouns a rhumba of what Rattlesnakes
20 What product sold 330 in the US in its first year VW Beetle
21 In Biker Slang what is a Belly Shover A Racing bike
22 What do humans get from the Cassava Tapioca
23 If you are on the Choke mountains what country are you in Ethiopia
24 In the language of flowers what does the cucumber flower mean Criticism
25 Who is the Patron Saint of desperation St Jude
26 How often must one perform a quotidian task Daily
27 Brave New World - Aldus Huxley - where name from Shakespeare's The
28 Gail Borden invented what food item Condensed Milk
29 Where do men play each year for the Challenge Cup Wimbledon
30 Fried fish lettuce spinach is a traditional Xmas eve meal where Armenia
31 An average American eats 28 what in their lifetime Pigs
32 Who live at 742 Evergreen Terrace The Simpson's
33 In Baltimore it is illegal to scrub or wash what A Sink
34 US 1900 census people with 2 or less what were lower mid class Servants
35 Who was the pilot in the first fatal air crash Orville Wright
36 What is the scent of an artificial hare at greyhound tracks Anise
37 Name two sports where the winner moves backwards Rowing - Tug of War
38 There is one gallon of water in every cubic mile of what Fog
39 In Australian slang what are apricots Testicles
40 What product only sold 8 in its first year in the USA Remmington
41 Scottish Hebrides island is defined a big enough sustain what One Sheep
42 Who said "The internet is a good way to get on the net" Republican candidate
Bob Dole
43 What makes a noise middle octave key of F Housefly buzz
44 Lyssophobia is the fear of what Going Mad
45 What capital city translates as Capital City in the native tongue Seoul - South Korea
46 What flavour is framboise liqueur Raspberry
47 Collective nouns a rag of what Colts
48 Two out of 3 visits to an American doctor are for what problems Stress Related
49 In Biker Slang what is a Coupon Traffic Ticket
50 If you were drinking Tiger beer in what country would you be Singapore

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