Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 2
No Questions Quiz 39 Answers
51 Who said "People only see what they are prepared to see" Ralph W Emmerson
52 In Utah you can get a licence to hunt what Dinosaurs
53 Epistemophobia is the fear of what Knowledge
54 Which magazine declared bankruptcy in the early 1990s Success
55 What food are astronauts prohibited before a mission Beans - Farts damage
56 What product sold 25 bottles in its first year for $50 cost $75 Coca Cola a 50% loss
57 To what Patron Saint would you pray if you had a headache Saint Dennis
58 JFK was actually baptised JFFK what was the other F for Francis
59 What is the punishment for drunk driving in Norway Three months of
Government lectures
60 96% of all what are purchased by women Candles
61 What did Oliver Pollock invent in 1778 The dollar sign $
62 What are Waist Overalls Jeans - Levi Struss
63 In the language of flowers giving a mushroom meant what Suspicion
64 ORD are the identification letters of what airport O'Hare Chicago
65 What woman has the most statues of her Joan of Arc 40000
66 Choo Kiko Wapi - what have I asked in Swahili Where is the toilet
67 In Helsinki Finland what's the police alternative to parking tickets Deflate cars tyres
68 What word did non-English speakers say sounded prettiest Diarrhoea
69 If you were drinking Cobra beer in what country would you be India
70 In Aussie slang what are Bum Nuts Eggs
71 In Palding Ohio police officers can legally do what to dogs Bite them to quiet
72 New Jersey has a museum with 5400 exhibits of what Spoons
73 What does a myrmecologist study Ants
74 Equator's favourite dish is Seco de Chivo - what is it Goat stew on rice
75 What is a Pygmy Blue Smallest butterfly
76 Emelio Marco Palma was the first to do what in 1978 Born in Antarctica
77 After homes and jobs where do Americans spend most time Shopping Malls
78 Which US place name translates Indian as place of drunkenness Manhattan
79 Luchiano Paverotti has what in his pocket for luck when singing Bent Nail
80 Ill Never Forget Whatshisname 1968 film first said fuck – who Marianne Faithful
81 Philematology is the science of what Kissing
82 What is the most popular name for a boat Obsession
83 Collective nouns - A Labour of what Moles
84 If You were drinking Rolling Rock lager what US state are you in Pennsylvania
85 In Biker Slang what are Giblets Chrome add ons
86 In Minnesota its illegal for a woman dressed as what on street Santa Clause
87 What word comes from the Latin phrase to crowd together Constipation Con Sta
Pay Shun
88 In 1999 Dallas Texas passed a law banning what from city Roosters noise pollute
89 On Scooby Doo what was Shaggys real name Norville
90 Who failed his music class at school Elvis Presley
91 Who or what was Black Betsy Babe Ruth's 44oz
Baseball Bat
92 20% of Japanese publications are what Comic Books
93 What was the first music CD burned in America Springsteen's Born in
the USA
94 In ancient Japan public contests were held to find what Best Farter loud and
95 What are scutes Snakes belly scales
96 If a Ghanian says Afishapa what have you been told Merry Christmas
97 St Gerard is the Patron Saint of who Pregnant Women
98 In the language of flowers giving mint meant what Virtue
99 Collective nouns - A cloud of what Gnats
100 There is a museum in Philadelphia 211 North 3rd Street to what Pretzels

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