Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 1
No Questions Quiz 40 Answers
1 What is the most frequently accessed article World Encyclopaedia Snake Information
2 Where would you find a coiffe or muselet Bottle wire cork hold
3 Men average 12 a year women 18 a year - what Read Books
4 What classic novel sold only 50 copies authors lifetime Moby Dick
5 The average human has seven what each day Sex Fantasies
6 If an Australian called you a cadbury what would he mean Cheap Drunk
7 In the language of flowers what does straw mean Agreement
8 A young what is called a Cheeper Grouse Partridge
9 Who is the Patron Saint of authors Saint Paul
10 What does a Caligynephobe fear Beautiful Women
11 Collective nouns - A group of beavers is what Colony
12 58% of people like what during sex Dirty Talk
13 What is a braquette Fake Dick extension
14th century
14 The Walibri tribe central Australia greet each other how Shaking Penises
15 In Tremonton Utah illegal for a woman not man what in ambulance Have sex
16 In Islamic law after having sex with a lamb mortal sin to do what Eat its flesh
17 US Fed laws specify what colour underwear for Crash Dummies Tea Rose
18 Where is your Popliteal Fossa Back of Knee
19 What is the national dish of the Faeroe Islands Puffin stuffed with
20 What is Kumiss made from in Asia Fermented Cows Milk
21 A Mai Tai is a cocktail literally meaning what in Tahitian Out of the World
22 What is chiengora Dog Hair spun into
23 Only 30% of women do what Swallow
24 The chupacabra is a legendary Mexican animal what in English Goat Sucker
25 In Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis Gregor Samsa wakes up as? An Insect
26 Danny Zuko was a main character in what film Grease
27 If you ordered Tori Udon in a Japanese restaurant you get what Thick Noodles broth
with Chicken
28 Who said "Canada? I don't even know what street Canada is on" Al Capone
29 What links Jerry Garcia Buster Keaton Boris Yeltsin Missing a bit of finger
30 What is the literal translation of haute couture High Sewing
31 The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who Helios the sun god
32 Market research says what colour makes people spend more Light Purple
33 Hack - Hog Line - House are terms in what sport Curling
34 What do Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones have in common At Harvard Together
35 Collective nouns - A tiding of what Magpies
36 You can get 5 years in Kentucky for sending a friend what Bottle beer or booze
37 Hipopota Agravis or guasano is what in Mexican Tequila Not Worm – Butterfly
38 What is the name for a special vibrator worn with straps A Butterfly
39 What is a toque A Canadian winter hat
40 What movie had the line "We're on a mission from God" The Blues Brothers
41 What is the fourth most common language in the USA ASL American Sign
42 60% of women experience what Menstrual Cramps
43 What is Linus last name in the Peanuts cartoons Van Pelt
44 In what movie did Whoopee Goldberg make her debut The Colour Purple
45 Who turned down the Bogart role in Casablanca Ronald Reagan
46 What token was added to Monopoly in 1999 Sack of Money
47 Alcohol comes from the Arabic word Al Kohl meaning what The Essence
48 In Washington state it is specifically illegal to have sex with who Virgins
49 Who is the Patron Saint of brewers Saint Nicholas
50 If an Australian called you a Gumsucker what would he mean You were from
Victoria state

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