Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GK for Admission, Private & Public Bank Job, BCS, Viva

10000 General Knowledge

Questions and Answers

Part 2
No Questions Quiz 40 Answers
51 In the language of flowers what does oak leaves mean Bravery
52 What does a Coprophobe fear Crap - Shit - Faeces
53 Collective nouns - a leash of what Greyhounds
54 In Lebanon it is legal to have sex with who / what Female animals –
males death
55 Kan Pei - Terveydeksi - Op Je gazonheid 3 ways saying what Good Health - Cheers
56 25% of women regularly do what Shave off pubic hair
57 Who tell of the mythical Bunyips that eat people Australian Aboriginal
58 Who wrote One flew over the Cuckoos Nest Ken Kesey
59 Japanese Soya noodles are made from what Buckwheat
60 What word in English has the most synonyms Drunk
61 What English word comes from Latin for Sheath for a Sword Vagina
62 At the end of TVs MASH what character stayed in Korea Corp Maxwell Klinger
63 April 20 1896 was the first time people paid to do what See a movie in NY
64 There are 33 words on the back of a bottle of what beer Rolling Rock
65 Brigham Young University offers what unusual Major Ballroom Dancing
66 What product was originally called Baby Gays Q Tips
67 Women do it twice as often as men - what Blink
68 What is the only flavour Jell-o containing any real fruit Cranberry
69 Einstein never wore what if he could avoid it Socks
70 What is a tucket Baseball organ music
71 Beethoven's 9th was his interpretation of what work by Schiller Ode to Joy
72 A standard what contains eight holes Horseshoe
73 What city was chosen but refused the 1976 Winter Olympics Denver
74 Where in Europe can you find wild monkeys Gibraltar
75 70% of Americans have done what Visited Disneyland /
76 What is the name of the Flintstones cat Baby-Puss
77 Muscatel literally means what in Italian With Flies on it
78 A average male will have 2000 what during his lifetime Masturbated
79 What is polenta Cornmeal and water
80 Egg Fu is the enemy of what super hero Wonder Woman
81 Who was the first honorary US citizen Winston Churchill
82 What links Bill Clinton Fidel Castro Alb Einstein Jimmy Hendrix Left Handed
83 According to a survey what is the US top family food Spaghetti – then
84 Urea is only found in humans and what other animal Dalmatian Dogs
85 What group were once called The Warlocks The Grateful Dead
86 What colour is a sunburned turnip Green
87 On Average a West German goes 7 days without doing what Washing his
88 What product put its logo on Dover cliffs - Act Parliament get off Quaker Oats Man
89 Approximately 3 million women in the USA have what Tattoos
90 Harold Sakata was badly burned playing what character Odd Job in Goldfinger
91 In the Flintstones in what county is Bedrock Cobblestone County
92 Ariztid Olt was what early name used by a famed actor Bela Lugosi
93 Who said "Once you are dead you are made for life" Jimmy Hendrix
94 What does Vodka literally mean Little Water
95 In Kingsville Texas its illegal for who/what to shag on airport land Pigs
96 Collective nouns - a hedge of what Herons
97 What does a Erotophobe fear Sexual Love
98 Who is the Patron Saint of Gout Saint Andrew
99 In the language of flowers what does yellow lily mean Falsehood
100 What is the Roman Numerals for 4000 MMMM

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