Thursday, December 12, 2013

GK Questions Quiz and Answers

 Quiz No 2
1 The Undiscovered Country a Star Trek title taken from where Shakespeare's Hamlet
2 David Cornwell is better known as which author John Le Carr
3 Puccini's Turendot is set in which country China
4 If you have a viral infection of the parotid glands what is it Mumps
5 Ophidiophobia is the fear of what Snakes
6 Collective nouns - A glint of what Goldfish
7 Pal Hewson became more famous as who Bono - singer in U2
8 Which island is also known as the apple isle Tasmania
9 Who was nicknamed The Great Communicator Ronald Regan
10 Tiramisu is a coffee desert but what does it literally mean Pick me up
11 In what game would you nurdle scrunge or carnovsky Tiddlywinks
12 Where would you find racettes Lines on wrist in
13 Why did Disney recall his first celluloid Donald Duck toys They exploded into
14 Which South American country does not border the Pacific Belize
15 What is the largest moon in our solar system Ganymede of Jupiter
16 What is the characteristic of an aphyllus plant No leaves
17 Plantalgia is pain where Soles of feet
18 In which film did we meet Baron Numpsi as the villain Eddie Murphy's The
Golden Child
19 What religion was Adolf Hitler Roman Catholic
20 Poison oak and ivy belong to which general family Cashew
21 Bognor Java gets is on average 322 days annually what Lightning strikes
22 Epiphany Christian feast 6th Jan translates from Greek as what Manifestation
23 Progress through Pain was whose motto Arnold Swartzenager
24 Which American city is nicknamed The Birthplace of Aviation Dayton Ohio
25 Mastigophobia is the fear of what Flogging
26 A woman has Hisdoy syndrome what has she got A Moustache
27 Who had a hit in the UK singing about the Streets of London Ralph McTell
28 What does CMOS stand for in a computer Complimentary metal
Oxide semi-conductor
29 Prova from provolone means what Ball shaped
30 Saint Augustine first argued for what Missionary position
only in sex
31 What original story begins Aladdin was a little Chinese boy 1001 Arabian Nights
32 In the Vietnam war what was the signal US to evacuate Saigon Bing Crosby White
Xmas on Radio
33 Games Slater invented what Fibreglass
34 The group Simply Red were named after what Man Utd football club
35 Virginia Patterson Hensley became more famous as who Patsy Cline
36 Which worlds city is known as The Golden City Prague Czech
37 The earliest paper written in Latin is a woman's writing what is it Invitation to a party
38 Every year there's a ton of it for every person in the world - what Cement poured
39 Thomas Jefferson's home has a hidden what? illegal in his time Billiard Table in
40 Which country contains every type of climate in the world New Zealand
41 All soldiers of every country do it - do what Salute with right hand
42 The Soviet Sukhoi-34 fighter was the worlds first with what A Toilet in it
43 The are six sides on a standard one - a standard what Pencil
44 Westminster Abbey is dedicated to who Saint Peter
45 Hokusai and Hiroshige were famous Japanese what Artists
46 Reverend Marcus Morris founded which UK comic in the 50s Eagle
47 Where would you find Queen Maud Land Antarctica
48 Who played the doctor in the rock opera Tommy Jack Nicholson
49 King George III is remembered in which children's nursery rhyme The Grand old Duke
of York
50 Lygophobia is the fear of what Darkness

51 In what country was the paperclip invented Norway
52 What is the flavour of a piri-piri sauce Curry
53 Which organisation has been selling racehorses since 1176 Tattersalls
54 Which early rock singer was nicknamed killer Jerry Lee Lewis
55 Names from jobs - Baker Cook obvious what did a Mercer do Textile dealer
56 What title has the wife of an earl Countess
57 La Celestina was the first one in Spain the first what Theatre play
58 According to Guinness book what's measured in Milli-Helens Beauty from Helen of
59 What word originally meant a dark cosmetic eye powder Alcohol from Al
Kuhul antimony
60 In ancient Sparta what was the penalty for bachelorhood Can't watch women's
61 In Disney's Jungle book name four vultures John Paul George
62 1994 Christies sold what piece of Elvis memorabilia for $41400 Amex credit card
63 What is the highest waterfall in the Alps The Richenbach Falls
64 Woodpusher, fish and patzer derogatory words for a bad what Chess player
65 Which US state drinks the least beer per capita Utah
66 Collective nouns - A wiggle of what Tadpoles
67 Farok Pluto Bulsara became more famous as who Freddie Mercury
68 Which actor made his debut in the 1958 film Cry Baby Killer Jack Nicholson
69 A computer does a POST what is a post Power on self test
70 What French word means liquor is half frozen Frappe
71 In Spain what is manchego Sheep's cheese
72 Who was known as the Queen of Folk Music Joan Baez
73 Collective nouns - A shiver of what Sharks
74 Linda Hunt won an Oscar Year of Living Dangerously what 1st First Oscar playing
opposite sex
75 Norwegian Sigerson, Spy Altamont, Sea Captain Basil all who Sherlock Holmes
76 Where is the only digital rolex watch in the world Wimbledon centre
77 In Kiplings How the Leopard got its Spots name the Leopard Best Beloved
78 What do the Chinese regard as the highest form of visual art Calligraphy
79 Vestiophobia is the fear of what Clothing
80 In the UK marmite is a spread but what is a marmite in France Tall straight cook pot
81 Name Donald Ducks father Quackemore
82 The film Cleopatra was banned in Egypt in 1963 why Liz Taylor Jewish
83 What would an antipyrhettic drug be used for Reduce temperature
84 In music who decided that an octave should have eight notes Pythagoras
85 What is the Latin word for to roll Volvo
86 Which garment traditionally contains eight sections of material Kimono
87 What international airport is identified by the letters CCU Calcutta
88 Which part of the body will expand three times when excited Iris
89 In computing what is the smallest movement of a mouse called Mickey
90 What item would you see on the flag of Malta George Cross
91 Sameer Bhatia from Bangalore began what service Hotmail
92 Who was known as the Father of Science Fiction Jules Verne
93 Winnie the Pooh lived where Hundred Acre Wood
94 Sufferers from lambdacism cannot do what Pronounce letter R
95 Pierce Brosnens contract stops him doing what in any other film Wearing a Tuxedo
96 Spielberg named the shark in Jaws Bruce why After his Lawyer
97 Barajas is the main airport - where Madrid
98 Sterlet is the rarest most expensive what Caviar - tiny eggs
99 Robert Langford Modini became more famous as who Robert Stack
100 Collective nouns - A congress or flange of what Baboons

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