Thursday, December 12, 2013

GK Questions Quiz and Answers

  Quiz No 3
1 Anthony Pratt invented what in the 1940s Cluedo
2 The Stirling prize is awarded annually for which field of design Architecture
3 Parcheesi is the national game of which country India
4 What shape is a saggitated leaf Arrow shaped
5 What is the Oscar statuette holding Sword
6 Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle better known as what YAHOO
7 Who would get an award known as the purple cross Animal bravery by
8 What sport was described as "Chess with muscles" Fencing
9 The Bahunia a five petal wild orchid is the symbol of where Hong Kong
10 1858 Queen Victoria sent the first transatlantic telegram to who President James
11 If you have a Barr test what was tested Your Sex - in athletics
12 We've used Xerox but from Greek what does it literally mean Dry
13 How was Boris Karloff listed in the credits 1931 Frankenstein As ?
14 Who is the father of the Russian alphabet Saint Cyril
15 What did the ancient Greeks call the fear of woods and forests Panic from god Pan
16 Whose family name is Zimprsquzzntwlfb Mr Spock in Star Trek
17 Where did the group 10cc get their name Average sperm in
18 Who said "All I can say is that I'm not a Marxist" Karl Marx
19 Who is buried in a chapel near lake Stroganoff in Romania Count Dracula
20 What area gets its name from the Greek word for bear Arctic because great
bear over it
21 The head of which organisation is known as The Black Pope The Jesuits
22 What sport still requires competitors to wear formal clothing Snooker or Billiards
23 The name Hilary comes from Latin meaning what Cheerfulness
24 Katy Mirza was the first Indian woman to do what Feature in Playboy
25 Richard Attenbourough and wife were the first leads in what play The Mousetrap
26 The Rhine rises in which country Switzerland
27 In English packs it's the Jack or Knave what in French packs Valet
28 Which cartoon character was originally called egghead Elmer J Fudd
29 What is measured in Darwin's Rate of evolutionary
30 Sacred carvings is the literal translation of what word Hieroglyphics
31 Lake Tiberius is better known by what name Sea of Galilee
32 What is a curragh Boat
33 Pax was the Roman god of peace who's the Greek equivalent Irene
34 Who was the last prisoner in the Tower of London Rudolf Hess
35 Joseph Gayette invented it in 1857 to prevent piles - what Toilet Paper
36 Whose epitaph reads Lived a philosopher died a Christian Casanova
37 Who was the first newspaper owner to give staff a paid holiday Joseph Pulitzer
38 Ronald MacDonald is worldwide except Japan what's he there Donald MacDonald
39 Where can you see Ada Byron Woman on Microsoft
40 What is the most tattooed product in the world Harley Davidson
41 Which Somerset Maughn novel is considered autobiographical Of Human Bondage
42 The Sureto are the secret service of which country France
43 Who created the character Parker Pyne Agatha Christie
44 Archimedes lived in which city Syracuse
45 Who is the first person a newly elected Pope meets His tailor to measure
46 Who's only person have Dewey Decimal class named after him William Shakespeare
47 Taliban women required by law to wear what on left arms Tattoo of husbands
48 Which country is named after its highest point Kenya
49 What would you do at a table in Greece Banking it’s a bank
50 Felix Hoffman discovered the worlds first synthetic drug 1897? Aspirin

51 Where do the natives speak tagalog Philippines
52 Which composer was nickname the Red Priest Vivaldi
53 Wolves, Curlews, Bulls and Ravens the first groups of what Boy Scouts
54 Which instrument does a cymbalist play Piano
55 What is made by the crush tear curl process Tea
56 Bovine is cow like but what does hircine refer to Goat
57 A speed stick measure the speed of what Cricket balls
58 President Kennedy was shot in Dallas in what type of car Lincoln
59 In mythology what is the offspring of a God and mortal called Hero
60 Where would you find an intrados Inside curve of arch
61 The young are called widgets, females fifinellas what are they Gremlins
62 Which part of a boar is called a wreath Its tail
63 Pooler Jones, Lazy Plate, Jayne Hill and Buckthorn types of what Barbed Wire
64 In Japan what is jigai Female suicide
65 Which company had slogan You don’t win silver you lose gold Nike - 1996 Olympics
66 In what is the Shannon trophy competed for World Chess Trophy
67 Which island gets its name from the Portuguese for bearded Barbados
68 John Le Carr invented what common term used in espionage Mole
69 Crystal City in Texas put up a statue to what cartoon character Popeye - they are
spinach growers
70 Which international companies logo is exactly 42 dots Sony
71 The Sydney Olympic torch showed a boomerang and what else The Opera house
72 Greeks longest, Japans shortest and Saudi Arabia none what? National Anthem
73 "Broom" Bromden an Indian narrates which famous book One Flew over the
Cuckoos Nest
74 What was Butch Cassidy's original profession Butcher hence Butch
75 Chinese call it little mouse, Danes Swedes elephants trunk? The @ sign
76 Whose business was ran from 2222 South Wabash Al Capone
77 Which literary character takes his name from Latin for nobody Captain Nemo
78 Which companies first product was an electric rice cooker Sony It shocked fired
79 What was the Latin word for wheel - now a common transport Truck
80 Panchaguni is the Indian God of what art Palmistry
81 What are Manhattan, Apollo, Hedwig, Cartman, Guinness Linux versions
82 Don Hoeffler coined what phrase in Electronic News in 1971 Silicon Valley
83 What beverage named after the UK Prime Minister of the 1830s Earl Grey Tea
84 You have head of what's ebay translate to in Russian Fuck off – imperative
of word fuck
85 Traditionally Lamborghini Miura and Diablo are named for what Fighting Bulls
86 Narton is a mixture of baking soda and salt what was it used for Mummification
87 All the Richard Hannay books got their titles from where Bunyon's The
Pilgrims Progress
88 Whose film debut was Jennings in Revenge of the Creature 1955 Clint Eastwood
89 What are studied by hymenopterists Bees
90 What gift is given on behalf Saudi Arabia King to Mecca pilgrims Small Bottle Extra
Virgin Olive Oil
91 What counties national drink is called aizag pronounced I shag Mongolian mares milk
92 Which cowboys middle names were Berry Stapp Wyatt Earp
93 What did Sir Humphry Davy say was his best discovery His student Michael
94 Which organisation began in a converted toilet in central London Lords cricket
95 What gets its name from the Greek meaning large catapult Howitzer
96 Where is the Isle of Pelicans Alcatraz
97 Where would you find the titmus test ICC cricket test for
bowling action
98 What is the Chinese word for wind Feng - Shui is water
99 What or where was original deadline USA Civil war prison
100 Where is Landino spoken Spain by Spanish
Hebrew mix

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