Thursday, December 12, 2013

GK Questions Quiz and Answers

 Quiz No 10
1 In the Jewish religion where are shellfish and pork kosher Chinese Restaurants
2 What is the most popular last name in France Martin
3 What was the first shoe brand name to go into Oxford dictionary Dr Martins
4 Fred Waller patented what sporting equipment Water Skis
5 Who began his career as The Worlds Worst Juggler Fred Astair
6 Which cities name means End of the elephants trunk Khartoum
7 Who was the first woman to win an acting Emmy in a sf series Lindsay Wagner –
Bionic Woman
8 What is the most assigned book / play in English classes Romeo and Juliet
9 Name the Shakespeare play with a city in Greece in name Timon of Athens
10 In the Bible Cain built a city named after his son what Enoch
11 Amor Vincit Omnia a Latin phrase meaning what Love conquers all
12 Theatre at the stairway is the translation of which place La Scala Milan
13 Where is Bonnie Prince Charlie buried Rome
14 Where are you if you land at Norman Manley airport Kingston Jamaica
15 In the human body what is produced by the parotid glands Saliva
16 What was the first magazine to publish a hologram on it's cover National Geographic
17 What is Britain's most commonly planted tree Sitka Spruce
18 Who was nicknamed The Admiral of the Mosquitoes Christopher Columbus
19 33% of worlds population can't do what apparently simple thing Snap their fingers
20 What type of large vehicle is named after a Hindu God Juggernaut
21 Who spoke for the first time in a Bugs Bunny cartoon in 1951 Roadrunner
22 Lord Harry, Old Billy, Queed, Skipper, Toast nicknames for who The Devil or Satan
23 The Chinese scattered firecrackers around the house - why Fire Alarms
24 Who was shot and killed in saloon number ten Wild Bill Hickock
25 What is the most popular jukebox song of all time Crazy - Patsy Cline
26 Which spies name translates as Eye of the Dawn Mata Hari
27 What would a rhinotillexomaniac be doing Picking their nose
28 Cornbread, Turkey and Sweet potatoes made up the first what TV Dinner
29 Which Clint Eastwood film has the most killings (65) Where Eagles Dare
30 Russia has one but the US has at least six - what Places called Moscow
31 ACII, Stockless, Mushroom and Plough types of what Anchors
32 February 1999 what was the fastest growing religion in the US Sikh
33 In Pac Man eating what was worth 5000 points Banana
34 What common item has a coil, point, sheath and two shafts Safety Pin
35 In which country are the most flowers bought per capita Netherlands
36 What is the moons astronomical name Moon
37 Ignoring cats what large animals purr when they are happy Brahma Bulls
38 Carnegie Melon University only one offers a degree in what Bagpiping
39 Where in the US by law do you not have to pay taxes An Indian Reservation
40 Where are Gene Roddenberrys ashes Sent into Space
41 Advertising slogan - No one ever got fired for buying what IBM
42 Where is the original Spa Liege Belgium
43 What 3 inventions do Americans say they cant live without Car - Lightbulb –
44 Where in the world can you find Friday before Thursday In a Dictionary
45 Where would you find a breast, fore, spring and after spring 4 of 6 mooring lines
tying up ship
46 What sport originally meant in French, look here Tennis
47 In Dukes of Hazard boys drove General Lee name Daisies jeep Dixie
48 Evidence of the first recorded brothel was found in which city Athens Greece
49 Which two letter word is the most sacred in Hinduism Om
50 What is the most chosen name for US schools sports teams Eagles or Tigers

51 Who was the first choice to play Beverley Hills Cop Sylvester Stallone
52 What occupation had the most fatal work injuries in US in 1994 Truck Drivers
53 What did sailors often have tattooed on backs to stop flogging A Cross
54 Where would you find lagan In sea overboard
attached to float
55 How did King Arthur acquire the round table A Wedding gift
56 What is the only Bible book referred to in a Shakespeare play Numbers in Henry V
57 Harry Rosoll created which famous bear Smokey the Bear
58 What did J Edgar Hoover bar people from walking on His Shadow
59 Car racing and what sport were banned in the USA during WW2 Horse Racing
60 Al Alcorn wrote which famous computer program / game Pong
61 In what country is Peter II of Yugoslavia buried America only euro
monarch there
62 Asian moon rat is the only animal smells like a veg which one Onion
63 In Winnie the Pooh what's the name over the door Pooh's house Mr Sanders
64 Which old time TV cop had a middle name of Aloysius Steve McGarret –
Hawaii 5 0
65 In the comic Fantastic Four what was Things character name Benjamin Grimm
66 Which countries name comes from the Arawak word for central Cuba
67 Norman Bean became famous as which author Edgar Rice Burroughs
68 Francis Galton first classified what Fingerprints
69 Brent blend is a widely traded commodity - what is it Oil
70 At Roman feasts which birds tongues were delicacies Flamingos
71 Tessenjutsu is a martial art based on the use of what item A Fan
72 Which common item was banned by law in Bermuda until 1948 Motor Cars
73 Who sells more cars than Ford Chrysler Chevrolet and Buick Matchbox toys
74 We know what a moussaka is but what does it literally mean Moistened
75 French in tennis love means zero but what did it originally mean Eggs
76 Name was Richard Kimble's favourite alias in the TV series Jim
77 In Alabama its illegal to have more than 3 what in your house Animals
78 Twos company threes a crowd what do four and five make Four and five make
79 On a carving in Coventry Cathedral what did Lady Godiva ride A Goat
80 Bengal Dimension 6 Falcon 3 possible names what was chosen Nike - but others were
considered options
81 Which US states name means meadowland Kentucky
82 What creature is nicknamed the old man of the sea Sea Otter - it's white
83 What did the word hussy originally mean Housekeeper
84 The Alley Cats was the working title of which TV show Charlie's Angels
85 Which city had the world first public bus service Paris
86 In the UK 9 out of 10 people live within walking distance of what A Bus Stop
87 75% industrial accidents happen to people who ain't done what Eaten Breakfast
88 Swine is a Chinese brand name of which food Chocolate
89 What keeps growing until you are 35 then starts to shrink Your Skeleton
90 Which is the only bird that drops it's upper eyelid to blink Owl
91 What company created the gif image file format CompuServe
92 What was Vincent Price's first horror film House of Wax
93 Which skill uses things called chain singles and doubles Crocheting
94 Name the profession most often late for doctors appointments Doctors
95 The average American consumes 9lbs of what every year Food Additives
96 Which cartoon company is based in Walla Walla Washington Acme in Roadrunner
97 In Korea what is ssirum Sumo Wrestling
98 In the human body what is replaced every three months Eyelashes
99 What is the top holiday in the US for candy / sweet sales Halloween
100 Which US state flag is triangular in shape Ohio

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