Thursday, December 12, 2013

GK Questions Quiz and Answers

 Quiz No 9
1 Col Meriweather Lewis Clark Jr developed rules for what in US Horseracing
2 What, according the Mark Twain, is a stomach Steinway Accordion
3 The worlds first what opened in Brighton England in 1897 Petrol (gas) station
4 Where was the canning process for fish first developed Sardinia
5 Where or what is a birds lore Space between eye
and beak
6 Which three word catchphrase is most universally recognised Bond James Bond
7 US civil war what disease incorrectly treated by ink injections Gonorrhoea
8 Preparing to invade Japan in WW2 the US ordered 400000 what Purple Hearts
9 What are Blue Professor, Bottle Imp and Rat Faced McDougal Fishing Flies
10 Chrometrophobia is the fear of what Money
11 Name Bilbo Baggins mother Belladonna Took
12 Rocky and Bullwinkle enemies are Boris Badenov and who Natasha Fatale
13 In Baseball slang who would use The tools of Ignorance Catchers Equipment
14 Which American poet was also a surgeon Oliver Wendell
15 What do you do to see phosphenes Shut eyes flashing
lights seen
16 In Equatorial Guinea its illegal to name your child what Monica
17 What in London are the Whitechaple, Courtald and Heywood Art Galleries
18 Which word meaning crop growing comes from Latin to plough Arable
19 What is unusual about the crab eating seal It don't eat crabs
20 Bascule cantilever suspension all types of what Bridge
21 If a dish is served pomontier what does it contain Potatoes
22 Which seven letter word in English contains all five vowels Sequoia
23 Which country has the most daily newspapers India
24 What profession receives the Pritzker prize Architects
25 Saint Bibiana is the Patron Saint of what Hangovers
26 In the UK 60% of pets have what Health Insurance
27 How is the Olympic torch lit By the sun in Greece
28 What shape is cansonsei pasta Little Britches
29 Dead mans hand was Aces and Eights plus which other card Queen of Hearts
30 Charles Atlas promised to make you a new man - what system Dynamic Tension
31 Name US mountain range comes from French At the Bows Ozarks - Aux Arcs
32 Red headed men are more likely than others to do what Go Bald
33 Which Sanskrit phrase means love story Karma Sutra
34 What is Pennsylvania's main agricultural export Mushrooms
35 Persia became Iran in 1935 what was it before it was Persia Iran
36 Grand Turk is the name of the ship - where would you see it Old Spice cologne
37 The French call it The Casserole what do we call it The Big Dipper
38 Where would you see CDEFLOPDZ US Eye test chart
39 Furritus Latin for little thieves is the name for which creature Ferrets
40 Which film begins Friday December 11th 2.43pm Psycho
41 What is the most common food allergen Nuts
42 What's the biggest source of pollution in Lake Ontario Lake Erie
43 What phrase did Quantum Leap's Sam Beckett use in every show Oh Boy
44 Every year 30000 US people are seriously injured by what Exercise equipment
45 Who coined the term security blanket Charles Schulz
46 India has the largest Hindu population what country has second Nepal
47 Where did we see a snorkasaurus Flintstones it was
48 Your suffering from circadian dysrhythmia what have you got Jet Lag
49 Name most performed opera at London opera House since 1833 La Boheme
50 Which garment gets it's name from the Latin to cover Toga

51 Which country has the highest % of women in their legislature Cuba
52 The Pentagon accidentally ordered 82 year supply of which food Freeze dried Tuna
salad mix
53 What did Barbie do in 1977 Smile
54 What first appeared at the 1928 Winter Olympics Five Olympic Rings
55 Laurence Tureaud became more famous as who Mr T
56 What is the most chemically complex food - over 300 chemicals Chocolate
57 What's the word for the front of a dogs chest and joint of beef Brisket
58 Which comic character is both a princess and a prince Wonder Woman –
Diana Prince
59 Which recreational activity causes the most bone fractures Aerobic Dancing
60 Which creature has a carapace and a plastron Turtles shell up low
61 Unfortunate names - Pansy was a brand of what sold in China Mens Underwear
62 US what was the last brand of cigarettes to be advertised on TV Virginia Slims
63 Italy Schiaffetoni, Rosetti and Crusetti in Sicily what pasta type Cannelloni
64 In a museum La Crosse Kansas is Crandals Champion what Barbed Wire museum
65 My Word were the final words of which famous TV character James Tiberius Kirk
66 Name the pet peacock on The Walton's Rover
67 Which building material gets its name from Arabic for the brick Adobe
68 In which city is the oldest Zoo in the world still in use London
69 Dinner Time by Paul Terry was which cartoon first Talkie
70 Which country has the highest per capita divorce rate 1 Latvia - 2 Russia – 3
71 A sufferer from boanthropy believes he is what An Ox
72 In 1939 in the US what was the first patented plant New Dawn Rose
73 Collective nouns - a pace of what creatures Donkeys
74 Who was the first UK solo artist to have a US number 1 hit Acker Bilk Stranger
on the Shore
75 What shape is canestrelli pasta Little Baskets
76 Yvon Petra 1946 was the last Wimbledon champion to do what Wear Trousers
77 A nervous kangaroo licks its where Forearms
78 Jesus was born in Bethlehem what does Bethlehem mean House of Bread
79 In the Texas version 12 Days Xmas what is given on the 4th day Four Prickly Pears
80 Borborygmus is the medical name for what Gas noises in gut
81 When Dino was Fred's pet what was Barney's called Hoppy a Hoparoo
82 What is the leading cause of death in Papua New Guinea Falling out of Trees
83 In which country did a foot deodorant get elected into office Equator
84 Proportionately which creature has the largest brain The Ant
85 Where is the worlds largest gay festival held annually Sydney gay Mardi
gras Australia
86 Who was the first athlete to have an animated cartoon series Mohamed Ali
87 Bob, Wally, Alice and Asok can be found in which strip cartoon Dilbert
88 Which group were derided as The poor mans Rolling Stones Aerosmith
89 After the US civil war what was known as the soldiers disease Morphine addiction
90 Who was the first character to speak in Star Wars C3PO
91 Elwood Edwards voice is heard by AOL users - where Welcome and You
Got Mail
92 Link Apollo, Ghengis Khan and Abraham Lincoln on TV All met James T Kirk
93 What do the 4 of top 10 children's authors have in common British - Blyton Dahl
Potter etc
94 Palmolive promised to help women keep what Schoolgirl
95 Who was shown on the most popular US postal stamp of 1998 Sylvester and Tweety
96 Which kind of flower has the most species Orchid
97 In the US what's the most common reason for a visit to ER Stomach Cramps
98 Which country has the most cellular phones per capita Sweden
99 On TV who worked at Otto's Auto Orphanage The Fonz
100 Their technical name are hydrometeors what's common name Hailstones

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