Monday, December 23, 2013

Assumption Questions

An argument can be analogized to a house: the premises are like walls, the conclusion is like the roof, and the assumptions are like the foundation.
As with a house foundation, an assumption is a hidden part of the structure, but critical to the integrity of the structure—all the other elements rest upon it.

The correct answer to an Assumption question is a statement the author must believe in order for the conclusion to make sense.
For many students, Assumption questions are the most difficult type of Logical
Reasoning problem. An assumption is simply an unstated premise of the
argument; that is, an integral component of the argument that the author takes
for granted and leaves unsaid. In our daily lives we make thousands of
assumptions, but they make sense because they have context and we have
experience with the way the world works. Think for a moment about the many
assumptions required during the simple act of ordering a meal at a restaurant.
You assume that: the prices on the menu are correct; the items on the menu are
available; the description of the food is reasonably accurate; the waiter will
understand what you say when you order; the food will not sicken or kill you;
the restaurant will accept your payment, etcetera. In an LSAT question, you are
faced with the difficult task of figuring out the author’s mindset and determining
what assumption he or she made when formulating the argument. This task is
unlike any other on the LSAT.
Just as we were able to describe Justify the Conclusion questions in terms of
conditional reasoning, we can do the same for Assumption questions. Because
an assumption is an integral component of the author’s argument, a piece that
must be true in order for the conclusion to be true, assumptions are necessary
for the conclusion. Accordingly, the relationship between the conclusion and the
assumption can be described as:
Conclusion (Valid)--------> Assumption (True)
Hence, the answer you select as correct must contain a statement that the author
relies upon and is fully committed to in the argument. Think of an assumption
as the foundation of the argument, a statement that the premises and conclusion
rest upon. If an answer choice contains a statement that the author might only
think could be true, or if the statement contains additional information that the
author is not committed to, then the answer is incorrect. In many respects, an
assumption can be considered a minimalist answer. Because the statement must
be something the author believed when forming the argument, assumption
answer choices cannot contain extraneous information. For example, let us say
that an argument requires the assumption “all dogs are intelligent.” The correct
answer could be that statement, or even a subset statement such as “all black
dogs are intelligent” or “all large dogs are intelligent” (black dogs and large
dogs being subsets of the overall group of dogs, of course). But, additional
information would rule out the answer, as in the following case: “All dogs and
cats are intelligent.” The additional information about cats is not part of the
author’s assumption, and would make the answer choice incorrect.
Because assumptions are described as what must be true in order for the
conclusion to be true, some students ask about the difference between Must Be
True question answers and Assumption question answers. The difference is one
that can be described as before versus after: Assumption answers contain
statements that were used to make the conclusion; Must Be True answers
contain statements that follow from the argument made in the stimulus. In both
cases, however, there is a stringent requirement that must be met: Must Be True
answers must be proven by the information in the stimulus; Assumption
answers contain statements the author must believe in order for the conclusion
to be valid.

As mentioned in the previous section, separating Justify the Conclusion
questions from Assumption questions can be difficult. Assumption question
stems typically contain the following features:
1. The stem uses the word “assumption,” “presupposition,” or some
“Presupposition” is another word for “assumes.” These words are a
direct reflection of the task at hand.
2. The stem never uses the word “if” or any other sufficient condition
Because an assumption is a necessary part of the argument, no
sufficient condition indicators can appear in the question stem. The
appearance of sufficient condition indicator means that the question is
either a Justify or Strengthen question. The stem of an Assumption
question will likely contain a necessary condition indicator such as
required or unless.
Question stem examples:
“Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument
“Which one of the following is an assumption upon which the argument
“The argument assumes which one of the following?”
“The conclusion in the passage above relies on which one of the
following assumptions?”
“The position taken above presupposes which one of the following?”
“The conclusion cited does not follow unless”

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