Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cannot Be True Question Review

In Cannot Be True questions your task is to identify the answer choice that
cannot be true or is most weakened by the information in the argument.
Answers that could be true are incorrect. The stimulus in a Cannot Be True
question rarely contains a conclusion.
For the Fourth Question Family, the following rules apply:
1. Accept the stimulus information and use only it to prove that one of the
answer choices cannot occur.
2. If an answer choice contains information that does not appear directly in
the stimulus or as a combination of items in the stimulus, then that
answer choice could be true, and it is incorrect. The correct answer
choice will directly disagree with the stimulus or a consequence of the
Cannot Be True questions can be worded in a variety of ways, but the gist of
the question type is to show that an answer cannot follow, and this tends to be
executed in three separate ways:
1. Stating that the answer cannot be true or does not follow.
2. Stating that the answer could be true EXCEPT.
3. Stating that the answer choice must be false.
Cannot Be True questions are tricky because the concept of an answer choice
being possibly true and therefore wrong is counterintuitive. When you
encounter a Cannot Be True question, you must mentally prepare yourself to
eliminate answers that could be true or are possible, and select the one answer
choice that cannot be true or is impossible.
In problems that revolve around numbers and percentages, the stimulus will
often supply enough information for you to determine that certain outcomes
must occur. The correct answer then violates this outcome.
In problems featuring conditional statements, many different scenarios can
occur, except the following:
The sufficient condition occurs, and the necessary condition does not
Thus, when a conditional statement is made in a Cannot Be True question
stimulus, you should actively seek the answer that matches the scenario above.

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