Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Method of Reasoning Questions

As you attack each question, keep in mind that Method of Reasoning questions are
simply abstract Must Be True questions. Use the information in the stimulus to
prove or disprove each answer choice.

Method of Reasoning questions require you to select the answer choice that best
describes the method used by the author to make the argument. Structurally,
Method of Reasoning questions are simply abstract Must Be True questions:
instead of identifying the facts of the argument, you must identify the logical
organization of the argument.
As part of the First Family of Questions, Method of Reasoning questions
feature the following information structure, modified slightly for the abstract
nature of these questions:
1. You can use only the information in the stimulus to prove the correct
answer choice.
2. Any answer choice that describes an element or a situation that does not
occur in the stimulus is incorrect.
Method of Reasoning question stems use a variety of formats, but in each case
the stem refers to the method, technique, strategy, or process used by the author
while making the argument. Here are several question stem examples:
“The method of the argument is to”
“The argument proceeds by”
“The argument derives its conclusion by”
“Which one of the following describes the technique of reasoning used
“Which one of the following is an argumentative strategy employed in
the argument?”
“The argument employs which one of the following reasoning
“Aiesha responds to Adam’s argument by”

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