Monday, December 16, 2013

Reasoning Questions And Ansowers

1. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
granamelke means big tree
pinimelke means little tree
melkehoon means tree house
Which word could mean “big house”?
a. granahoon
b. pinishur
c. pinihoon
d. melkegrana
2. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
lelibroon means yellow hat
plekafroti means flower garden
frotimix means garden salad
Which word could mean “yellow flower”?
a. lelifroti
b. lelipleka
c. plekabroon
d. frotibroon
3. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
moolokarn means blue sky
wilkospadi means bicycle race
moolowilko means blue bicycle
Which word could mean “racecar”?
a. wilkozwet
b. spadiwilko
c. moolobreil
d. spadivolo
4. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
daftafoni means advisement
imodafta means misadvise
imolokti means misconduct
Which word could mean “statement”?
a. kratafoni
b. kratadafta
c. loktifoni
d. daftaimo
5. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
dionot means oak tree
blyonot means oak leaf
blycrin means maple leaf
Which word could mean “maple syrup”?
a. blymuth
b. hupponot
c. patricrin
d. crinweel
6. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
agnoscrenia means poisonous spider
delanocrenia means poisonous snake
agnosdeery means brown spider
Which word could mean “black widow
a. deeryclostagnos
b. agnosdelano
c. agnosvitriblunin
d. trymuttiagnos
7. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
myncabel means saddle horse
conowir means trail ride
cabelalma means horse blanket
Which word could mean “horse ride”?
a. cabelwir
b. conocabel
c. almamyn
d. conoalma
8. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
godabim means kidney stones
romzbim means kidney beans
romzbako means wax beans
Which word could mean “wax statue”?
a. godaromz
b. lazbim
c. wasibako
d. romzpeo
9. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
tamceno means sky blue
cenorax means blue cheese
aplmitl means star bright
Which word could mean “bright sky”?
a. cenotam
b. mitltam
c. raxmitl
d. aplceno
10. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
gorblflur means fan belt
pixngorbl means ceiling fan
arthtusl means tile roof
Which word could mean “ceiling tile”?
a. gorbltusl
b. flurgorbl
c. arthflur
d. pixnarth

11. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
hapllesh means cloudburst
srenchoch means pinball
resbosrench means ninepin
Which word could mean “cloud nine”?
a. leshsrench
b. ochhapl
c. haploch
d. haplresbo
12. Here are some words translated from an
artificial language.
migenlasan means cupboard
lasanpoen means boardwalk
cuopdansa means pullman
Which word could mean “walkway”?
a. poenmigen
b. cuopeisel
c. lasandansa
d. poenforc
13. Here are some words translated from an artificial
morpirquat means birdhouse
beelmorpir means bluebird
beelclak means bluebell
Which word could mean “houseguest”?
a. morpirhunde
b. beelmoki
c. quathunde
d. clakquat
14. Here are some words translated from an artificial
slar means jump
slary means jumping
slarend means jumped
Which word could mean “playing”?
a. clargslarend
b. clargy
c. ellaclarg
d. slarmont
15. Here are some words translated from an artificial
briftamint means militant
uftonel means occupied
uftonalene means occupation
Which word could mean “occupant”?
a. elbrifta
b. uftonamint
c. elamint
d. briftalene
16. Here are some words translated from an artificial
krekinblaf means workforce
dritakrekin means groundwork
krekinalti means workplace
Which word could mean “someplace”?
a. moropalti
b. krekindrita
c. altiblaf
d. dritaalti
17. Here are some words translated from an artificial
plekapaki means fruitcake
pakishillen means cakewalk
treftalan means buttercup
Which word could mean “cupcake”?
a. shillenalan
b. treftpleka
c. pakitreft
d. alanpaki
18. Here are some words translated from an artificial
peslligen means basketball court
ligenstrisi means courtroom
oltaganti means placement test
Which word could mean “guest room”?
a. peslstrisi
b. vosefstrisi
c. gantipesl
d. oltastrisi
19. Here are some words translated from an artificial
jalkamofti means happy birthday
moftihoze means birthday party
mentogunn means goodness
Which word could mean “happiness”?
a. jalkagunn
b. mentohoze
c. moftihoze
d. hozemento
20. Here are some words translated from an artificial
mallonpiml means blue light
mallontifl means blueberry
arpantifl means raspberry
Which word could mean “lighthouse”?
a. tiflmallon
b. pimlarpan
c. mallonarpan
d. pimldoken
21. Here are some words translated from an artificial
gemolinea means fair warning
gerimitu means report card
gilageri means weather report
Which word could mean “fair weather?”
a. gemogila
b. gerigeme
c. gemomitu
d. gerimita
22. Here are some words translated from an artificial
aptaose means first base
eptaose means second base
lartabuk means ballpark
Which word could mean “baseball”?
a. buklarta
b. oseepta
c. bukose
d. oselarta
23. Here are some words translated from an artificial
relftaga means carefree
otaga means careful
fertaga means careless
Which word could mean “aftercare”?
a. zentaga
b. tagafer
c. tagazen
d. relffer
24. Here are some words translated from an artificial
malgauper means peach cobbler
malgaport means peach juice
moggagrop means apple jelly
Which word could mean “apple juice”?
a. moggaport
b. malgaauper
c. gropport
d. moggagrop
1. a. Grana means big; melke means tree; pini means
little; hoon means house. Therefore, granahoon
means big house.
2.b. Leli means yellow; broon means hat; pleka
means flower; froti means garden; mix means
salad. Therefore, lelipleka means yellow flower.
3.d. From wilkospadi, you can determine that wilko
means bicicyle and spadi means race. Therefore,
the first part of the word that means racecar
should begin with spadi. That limits your
choices to b and d. Choice b, spadiwilko, is
incorrect because we have already determined
that wilko means bicycle. Therefore, the answer
must be choice d, spadivolo.
4. a. Dafta means advise; foni is the same as the
suffix –ment; imo is the same as the prefix
mis–; lokti means conduct. Since the only
word in the answer choices that hasn’t been
defined is krata, it is reasonable to assume
that krata means state. Therefore, kratafoni is
the only choice that could mean statement.
5. c. In this language, the adjective follows the noun.
From dionot and blyonot, you can determine
that onot means oak. From blyonot and blycrin,
you can determine that bly means leaf. Therefore,
crin means maple. Because the adjective
maple comes after the noun, patricrin is the
only possible choice.
6. c. In this language, the noun appears first and the
adjectives follow. Since agnos means spider and
should appear first, choices a and d can be ruled
out. Choice b can be ruled out because delano
means snake.
7. a. Myn means saddle; cabel means horse; cono
means trail; and wir means ride. Therefore,
cabelwir is the correct answer.
8. c. In this language, the adjective follows the noun.
From godabim and romzbim, you can determine
that bim means kidney. From romzbim
and romzbako, you can determine that romz
means beans. Therefore, bako means wax.
Because the adjective wax must come after the
noun in this language, wasibako is the only
9.b. Tam means sky; ceno means blue; rax means
cheese; apl means star; and mitl means bright.
So, mitltam means bright sky.
10.d. Gorbl means fan; flur means belt; pixn means
ceiling; arth means tile; and tusl means roof.
Therefore, pixnarth is the correct choice.
11.d. Hapl means cloud; lesh means burst; srench
means pin; och means ball; and resbo means
nine. Leshsrench (choice a) doesn’t contain any
of the words needed for cloud nine. We know
that och means ball, so that rules out choices b
and c. When you combine hapl (cloud) with
resbo (nine), you get the correct answer.
12.d. Migen means cup; lasan means board; poen
means walk; cuop means pull; and dansa means
man. The only possible choices, then, are
choices a and d. Choice a can be ruled out
because migen means cup.
13. c. Morpir means bird; quat means house; beel
means blue; clak means bell. Choice c, which
begins with quat, is the only possible option.
14.b. According to this language, slar means jump.
The suffix –ing is represented by –y. Since
choice b is the only one that ends in the letter
y, this is the only possible option.
15.b. Brift means the root word mili–; the suffix
amint means the same as the English suffix
–tant; the root word ufton– means occupy; el
means the suffix –ied of occupied; and alene
means the suffix –tion. (Because ufton means
occupy, choices a, c, and d can be easily
ruled out.)
16. a. Krekin means work; blaf means force; drita
means ground; and alti means place. Drita
means ground, so that rules out choices b and
d. Choice c isn’t correct because blaf means
force. That leaves choice a as the only possible
17.d. Pleka means fruit; paki means cake; shillen
means walk; treft means butter; and alan means
cup. Therefore, alanpaki means cupcake.
18.b. Pesl means basketball; ligen means court; strisi
means room; olta means placement; and ganti
means test. Because strisi means room, it must
be present in the answer, so that rules out
choice c. Choices a and d are incorrect because
pesl means basketball and olta means placement.
That leaves choice b as the only possible
19. a. Jalka means happy; mofti means birthday; hoze
means party; mento means good; and gunn
means the suffix –ness. We know the answer
must include the suffix –ness. The only choice
that uses that suffix is choice a.
20.d. Mallon means blue; piml means light; tifl means
berry; and arpan means “rasp” in raspberry.
The word piml, which means light, is required
for the word lighthouse. That rules out choices
a and c. Arpan in choice b means “rasp,” so that
rules out choice b. That leaves choice d the only
possible answer.
21. a. Gemo means fair; linea means warning; geri
means report; mitu means card; and gila means
weather. Thus, gemogila is the correct choice.
22.d. Apta means first; ose means base; epta means
second; larta means ball; and buk means park.
Thus, oselarta means baseball.
23. c. In this language, the root word taga, which
means care, follows the affix (relf, o–, or fer–).
Therefore, in the word aftercare, the root word
and the affix would be reversed in the artificial
language. The only choice, then, is tagazen,
because tagafer would mean less care.
24. a. Malga means peach; uper means cobbler; port
means juice; mogga means apple; and grop
means jelly. Therefore, moggaport means apple

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