Sunday, December 15, 2013


Part 25
137. book
a. fiction
b. pages
c. pictures
d. learning
138. guitar
a. band
b. teacher
c. songs
d. strings
139. shoe
a. sole
b. leather
c. laces
d. walking
140. respiration
a. mouth
b. circulation
c. oxygen
d. carbon monoxide
141. election
a. president
b. voter
c. November
d. nation
142. diploma
a. principal
b. curriculum
c. employment
d. graduation
143. swimming
a. pool
b. bathing suit
c. water
d. life jacket
144. school
a. student
b. report card
c. test
d. learning
145. language
a. tongue
b. slang
c. writing
d. words
146. desert
a. cactus
b. arid
c. oasis
d. flat
147. lightning
a. electricity
b. thunder
c. brightness
d. rain

137.b. The necessary part of a book is its pages; there
is no book without pages. Not all books are
fiction (choice a), and not all books have pictures
(choice c). Learning (choice d) may or
may not take place with a book.
138.d. A guitar does not exist without strings, so
strings are an essential part of a guitar. A band
is not necessary to a guitar (choice a). Guitar
playing can be learned without a teacher
(choice b). Songs are byproducts of a guitar
(choice c).
139. a. All shoes have a sole of some sort.Not all shoes
are made of leather (choice b); nor do they all
have laces (choice c).Walking (choice d) is not
essential to a shoe.
140. c. A person or animal must take in oxygen for
respiration to occur. A mouth (choice a) is not
essential because breathing can occur through
the nose. Choices b and d are clearly not essential
and can be ruled out.
141.b. An election does not exist without voters. The
election of a president (choice a) is a byproduct.
Not all elections are held in November (choice
c), nor are they nationwide (choice d).
142.d. A diploma is awarded at graduation, so graduation
is essential to obtaining a diploma.
Employment may be a byproduct (choice c). A
principal and a curriculum (choices a and b)
may play a role in the awarding of some diplomas,
but they are not essential.
143. c. Water is essential for swimming—without
water, there is no swimming. The other choices
are things that may or may not be present.
144. a. Without students, a school cannot exist; therefore,
students are the essential part of schools.
The other choices may be related, but they are
not essential.
145.d. Words are a necessary part of language. Slang is
not necessary to language (choice b). Not all
languages are written (choice c).Words do not
have to be spoken in order to be part of a language
(choice a).
146.b. A desert is an arid tract of land. Not all deserts
are flat (choice d). Not all deserts have cacti or
oases (choices a and c).
147. a. Lightning is produced from a discharge of electricity,
so electricity is essential. Thunder and
rain are not essential to the production of lightning
(choices b and d). Brightness may be a
byproduct of lightning, but it is not essential
(choice c).

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