Sunday, December 15, 2013


Part 26 
148. monopoly
a. corrupt
b. exclusive
c. rich
d. gigantic
149. harvest
a. autumn
b. stockpile
c. tractor
d. crop
150. gala
a. celebration
b. tuxedo
c. appetizer
d. orator
151. pain
a. cut
b. burn
c. nuisance
d. hurt
148.b. The essential part of a monopoly is that it
involves exclusive ownership or control.
149.d. To harvest something, one must have a crop,
which is the essential element for this item.
Autumn (choice a) is not the only time crops
are harvested. There may not be enough of a
crop to stockpile (choice b), and you can harvest
crops without a tractor (choice c).
150. a. A gala indicates a celebration, the necessary
element here. A tuxedo (choice b) is not
required garb at a gala, nor is an appetizer
(choice c). A gala may be held without the benefit
of anyone speaking (choice d).
151.d. Pain is suffering or hurt, so choice d is the
essential element. Without hurt, there is no
pain. A cut (choice a) or a burn (choice b) may
cause pain, but so do many other types of
injury. A nuisance (choice c) is an annoyance
that may or may not cause pain.

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