Sunday, December 15, 2013


Part 27
152. infirmary
a. surgery
b. disease
c. patient
d. receptionist
153. facsimile
a. picture
b. image
c. mimeograph
d. copier
154. domicile
a. tenant
b. dwelling
c. kitchen
d. house
155. culture
a. civility
b. education
c. agriculture
d. customs
156. bonus
a. reward
b. raise
c. cash
d. employer
157. antique
a. rarity
b. artifact
c. aged
d. prehistoric
158. itinerary
a. map
b. route
c. travel
d. guidebook
159. orchestra
a. violin
b. stage
c. musician
d. soloist
160. knowledge
a. school
b. teacher
c. textbook
d. learning
161. dimension
a. compass
b. ruler
c. inch
d. measure
162. sustenance
a. nourishment
b. water
c. grains
d. menu
163. ovation
a. outburst
b. bravo
c. applause
d. encore
164. vertebrate
a. backbone
b. reptile
c. mammal
d. animal
165. provisions
a. groceries
b. supplies
c. gear
d. caterers
166. purchase
a. trade
b. money
c. bank
d. acquisition

152. c. An infirmary is a place that takes care of the
infirm, sick, or injured.Without patients, there
is no infirmary. Surgery (choice a) may not be
required for patients. A disease (choice b) is
not necessary because the infirmary may only
see patients with injuries. A receptionist (choice
d) would be helpful but not essential.
153.b. A facsimile must involve an image of some sort.
The image or facsimile need not, however, be a
picture (choice a). A mimeograph and a copier
machine (choices c and d) are just a two of the
ways that images may be produced, so they do
not qualify as the essential element for this item.
154.b. A domicile is a legal residence, so dwelling is the
essential component for this item. You do not
need a tenant (choice a) in the domicile, nor do
you need a kitchen (choice c). A house (choice
d) is just one form of a domicile (which could
also be a tent, hogan, van, camper, motor
home, apartment, dormitory, etc.).
155.d. A culture is the behavior pattern of a particular
population, so customs are the essential
element. A culture may or may not be civil or
educated (choices a and b). A culture may be an
agricultural society (choice c), but this is not the
essential element.
156. a. A bonus is something given or paid beyond
what is usual or expected, so reward is the
essential element. A bonus may not involve a
raise in pay or cash (choices b and c), and it may
be received from someone other than an
employer (choice d).
157. c. An antique is something that belongs to, or
was made in, an earlier period. It may or may
not be a rarity (choice a), and it does not have
to be an artifact, an object produced or shaped
by human craft (choice b). An antique is old
but does not have to be prehistoric (choice d).
158.b. An itinerary is a proposed route of a journey. A
map (choice a) is not necessary to have a
planned route. Travel (choice c) is usually the
outcome of an itinerary, but not always. A
guidebook (choice d) may be used to plan the
journey but is not essential.
159. c. An orchestra is a large group of musicians, so
musicians are essential. Although many orchestras
have violin sections, violins aren’t essential
to an orchestra (choice a). Neither a stage
(choice b) nor a soloist (choice d) is necessary.
160.d. Knowledge is understanding gained through
experience or study, so learning is the essential
element. A school (choice a) is not necessary for
learning or knowledge to take place, nor is a
teacher or a textbook (choices b and c).
161.d. A dimension is a measure of spatial content. A
compass (choice a) and ruler (choice b) may
help determine the dimension, but other
instruments may also be used, so these are not
the essential element here. An inch (choice c) is
only one way to determine a dimension.
162. a. Sustenance is something, especially food, that
sustains life or health, so nourishment is the
essential element.Water and grains (choices b
and c) are components of nourishment, but
other things can be taken in as well. A menu
(choice d) may present a list of foods, but it is
not essential to sustenance.
163. c. An ovation is prolonged, enthusiastic applause,
so applause is necessary to an ovation. An outburst
(choice a) may take place during an ovation;
“bravo” (choice b) may or may not be
uttered; and an encore (choice d) would take
place after an ovation.
164. a. All vertebrates have a backbone. Reptiles
(choice b) are vertebrates, but so are many
other animals. Mammals (choice c) are vertebrates,
but so are birds and reptiles. All vertebrates
(choice d) are animals, but not all
animals are vertebrates.
165.b. Provisions imply the general supplies needed,
so choice b is the essential element. The other
choices are byproducts, but they are not
166.d. A purchase is an acquisition of something. A
purchase may be made by trade (choice a) or
with money (choice b), so those are not essential
elements. A bank (choice c) may or may not
be involved in a purchase.

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